Guardian January 30, 2020

Citizens believe Government should either postpone or cancel outright, Carnival 2020 celebrations, over coronavirus concerns

"Cab­i­net is meet­ing to­day to dis­cuss what pro­to­cols should be ac­ti­vat­ed in the event of a Wuhan coro­n­avirus out­break in Trinidad and To­ba­go.

Cit­i­zens are be­gin­ning to won­der if Gov­ern­ment should post­pone Car­ni­val—if not call it off al­to­geth­er—rather than in­creas­ing the risk of coro­n­avirus show­ing up here, with all the vis­i­tors booked to en­ter our shores."

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  • Who makes the final decision?


    • ROWLEY!!! DOLLY!!! GYPSY!!!

       ... And Jimmy Garoppolo (Sorry, MR. BUGS!!! Yuh know ah have ah CONCUSSION and ah does MIX UP meh topics from time to time).

      But this is an ELECTION YEAR and they CANNOT CANCEL THE CARNIVAL ... so it is just about PROPAGANDIZING DUE DILIGENCE!!!

      On THIS FORUM -- we call it OLE TALK!!!

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