Time and again we have to remind members that the forum has no police or security we are on our own, so we have to ask ourselves if our contribution is positive or negative. It is important that we remain positive because that's when we have the most participation. We usually have a few ladies here with us but of late they are absent, this tells us that climate is not too healthy so fellers lets clean up the place.
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I could not edit my post containing the names of members that I identified as those who I have had respectful resolutions of differences with, so Claude, your name is there in the same sentence. Once the 15 minute edit window closes, our posts are fixed.
Claude, I included your name in the four. I think the membership would acknowledge how different the four of you are, The four of you are very unique individuals. Yet, in resolving differences or bridging gaps with you four people, respect has been so easy. I NEEDED your name in that sentence because of how unique YOU are! Is that better?
Corey: It was just a figure of speech. Very commonly used figure of speech!!!
I get your point. I was not equating you to the other three, but rather differentiating. Seating the two of you at the same banquet table would be awkward at this time.
On 2014… Lots of tunes I had heard was from a Facebook group named Trinidad Carnival Diary… lots of jump-and-wave songs. I am seeing that numbers that are being reviewed here are received more favourably than what I had been exposed to. I guess I have to spend more time listening to songs than engaging in amazing, unbelievable dialogue.
Even when I kept out of their New Year's fight, they kept calling my name (in vain, I might add. lol. Meaning, I didn't bite on their bait.). As for feeling me being more intellectual or intelligent than everyone else, that's his feeling, and not mine. Would you speak Spanish to someone who speaks only Mandarin? Would you speak English to only Russians who don't. I trusted in the "collective intellect" (yes, I've used that before) of this WST forum, and that is why I write in the manner that I do. If that offends you, then TOO BAD. (Mamma always said, "Better you vex, than I vex...")
Enjoy the rest of the evening ALL...I know I am. Vex for that too, you hating, envious, instigators (And, of course, if that cap fits you, then wear it, and don't be vex with me, because it fits you to a "tee". Tata. This love thing really SWEET, qoi! Makes your enemies hate you even more. lol. (Your prison cell, buddy; not mine.)
Ghost. same philosophy; different attitude. And who vex, vex! lol
Got as far as "you are the one who said...", and KNEW what was coming. ☺ Ghost.
After giving it my utmost consideration, I come to the inevitable conclusion.
That if one's participation in any dialog or discussion,
Consists primarily of invectives, obscenities and profane expressions,
Then surely one must be suffering either from a lack of education,
Or from a limited vocabulary and deficit of imagination.
Ah feelin ah preach coming on. We have all sinned and fall short of his glory. Is there one that's perfect? no not one. Do not look at the splinter in your brothers eye when there is a plank in yours.
You might be smarter than I, but he is smarter than you, and she smarter than he and so it goes, my point is there is always someone smarter than you, we all have to show respect for each others input.
It's early in the new year and there is an atmosphere of a divorce court.
Come on people lets get back to talking Pan
fuh real Cecil…
Do you guys realize social media is a world-wide forum - every word you print, you are being judged by your peers BE POSITIVE and the TRUTH would PREVAIL....
Good morning to ALL.
Corey is now experiencing from Sidd, what I have had to endure since I joined WST: the twisting of words, the condescending tones and assumption of superiority, and the personal attacks, not to mention the lengthy diatribes about the afterlife and what happens to "sinners"...that they come back as Black slaves to serve white masters. Every deformity in his character, I pointed out using HIS WORDS, and not my own. He is the one who admitted to not playing pan; the information did not come from me.
Secondly, I address what he says, and not his person. I have been watchful of personal attacks against anyone since my public apology. I continue to ignore the numerous taunts from Claude and others, who cannot let go of old emotions. Keep in mind, that it was Claude Gonzales who, in his enabling of Sidd's attitudes and opinions, posted (and I quote in its entirety, so as not to be accused of taking text out of context) that, "Sidd: Your ideas are too advanced for the dark ages of Trinidad music!!!" https://whensteeltalks.ning.com/forum/topics/more-panorama-2011-note...
Claude is also the one who said that, "For decades I have irritated my pan-passionate friends with the comment that once you put more than three pans together you have NOISE...Tell me which STEELBAND does not sound NOISY and METALLIC!!!" (So that he not be taken out of context, I encourage you all to read his entire comment.) https://whensteeltalks.ning.com/forum/topics/its-sad-to-say-but-mini... To this day he continues to mock and disrespect my person, simply because I hold him accountable for his words, as he holds me accountable to mine.
One would notice, that Sidd never really starts any discussions, other than those he posts with the sole intent to attack and discredit my own. What he does, is what Corey is now experiencing; he badgers his way into your discussions, and like a parasite, soon takes over the entire body of your work. He started doing this, when I posted the "Blueprint". Rather than create his own discussion, he posted a lengthy diatribe onto my discussion, and although the "Blueprint" received rave reviews, he nit-picked every part of my post, with lengthy, negative rebuttals of his own ideas. So, it is not that Corey ran into Sidd; the fact is Sidd continues to badger his way into conversations, and forces you to submit.
As far as his allegations of my recent attitude and behavior on WST, I leave that up to all of you to observe if I have been disrespectful or not, in my honest responses. (Honesty is not disrespectful.) I would like any of you to copy and paste where I attacked his person, for what you will notice, is that I attack his words. I do not know Sidd, and do not care to know him, as in all honesty, I do not like the kind of mean-spirited, confusion maker that he has proven to be, over the course of these few years on WST. If what he says is foolish (in MY opinion, of which I am FULLY entitled), then I say that it is foolish, without calling him a fool. If what he says is racist, then I let him know that his comments are racist, without calling him a racist. This I have done since my apology to him, and unlike what he wants you all to believe, I choose not to waste my (much-needed) energy hating Sidd, or anyone else (Claude included).
I admitted that I hated Sidd, and I explained the reason why, and I am sure that Corey and others like Brian, can sympathize, if not empathize. Again, the COMMON FACTOR in the confusion on WST is Steve "Sidd" Taylor, and not this "Ghost". The back-and-forth between himself and others over these past few days, should provide insight, as to who the real instigator of chaos is. When I posited that my dad was the "greatest leader of the steelband movement", he warped that comment to mean that I was saying that my dad was the greatest steelband leader, which is not what I said. Distorting the truth, and warping the comments, emotions, and efforts of others, seems to be ALL that he is capable of.
Again, I have evolved from that state of barbarism that he roped me into, and if any of you are honest with yourselves, you would know that I, George David Goddard, aka Pan'tum - The Ghost Who Talks, have posted some of the most intellectually-stimulating conversations on When Steel Talks. Pan Times knows that, as do this WST membership, regardless of their personal feeling towards me. I came on to WST full of optimism and hope, only to be met with the unfriendliness of a testosterone-laden elite bunch of WST members, who feel that you either put up, or shut up. I exposed Pan Trinbago and their questionable practices, and I spoke of leadership, only to see that misconstrued as me having ulterior motives of taking over the leadership of the steelband body, which is not the case. Again, I have a great life here in the US, and a great career in the legal profession that is now beginning to pick up. I have NO intent of taking over anything, Pan Trinbago included. (QUOTE me on that!!!)
Just last night, I was speaking to one of my business colleagues and friend, who was a member of the Flying Squad, and he was telling me of another "Trini" who is about to be deported as a violent felon, and has a warrant (for chopping up someone) waiting for him when he lands in Trinidad. That is the kind of "expatriates" that return home en masse; not those like myself, who willingly decide to come back and give back to the land of my birth. Rather than embrace that gesture (which we all should encourage), I am reminded that I do not belong in my own country. I am now a man with no country, so I guess I have no other choice but to renounce my Trinidad citizenship, and apply for my US citizenship. One thing that you all can be guaranteed of; when this "son of the soil" gives up, you will be left with those who come home in deportation, for you discourage those like myself, who continue to represent country and culture with grace and dignity. So, continue to allow Sidd, Claude and others to disrespect those of us in other countries, as long as you are happy with the alternative (deported criminals).
One would note, that not one of my opponents respond to my positions; they choose to ignore them, and present parallel arguments, as a way of evading the inevitable: that their positions hold little or no merit. Again, I encourage them to engage in debate that is cohesive, rather than elusive. Sidd claims that he will not be taking part in the town hall meeting, and to that I say, "no water off my back". Maybe it is best that he did not participate, for he has already exposed himself as having a desire to see me fail at every endeavor, and his unwillingness to approach debate with logic and reason (components of sensible discussion). He goes around making threats to report people to "cyber-police", immigration, and steelband leaders, and he tells people that they have been away too long, but yet cannot tell you when last either of those he attacks (myself included) have been home (and yes Trinidad and Tobago is our home).
They really say that the higher the monkey climbs is the more he will expose, and I trusted that old adage. Sidd has proven it to be true, for without my involvement, others are seeing him for who he truly is. He just does not know how to deal with the fact that (even without my college degree), I am more articulate and more relevant than he is. Only a true friend will be true to you, and unlike what he thinks I still extend my hands in brotherly love, unless it comes with the provision that I have to stroke his ego in the process. In that case, my hands are retracted in disappointment. I asked him to keep my family out of the conversations on WST, and he continues to try and place a wedge between my brother and myself. He will SOON get to learn of the DEPTH of the love between my brother and I, and NOTHING he says, can or will affect my relationship with any of my family members. He also brought my wife into the conversation, and again, he NEVER apologized for any of his actions; his apology was for our misunderstanding of his comments regarding Blacks, sinners, and slavery. (Hopefully, one day, he can clarify what he meant by those comments.) Sidd obviously has no other agenda, but to try and destroy everything that he thinks is special to me. Now that I have taken away him trump card, he chooses to redefining "cussing", and blames me for the actions of others, calling me "inferior" and other derogatory labels.
Finally, on the "hate" accusations, you all are free to view Sidd's most-recent comments, and see where the hate stems, and to whom it is directed. Even when I am NO part of the conversation, the name "Ghost", appears in their every sentence. One of his last comments, had the word "Ghost" over a dozen times! Then there's Claude; to be clear, I NEVER claimed to be Jesus Christ, or any of the personalities that I (choose to) draw on for my sense of meaning and balance. Almost every comment that I post, is now warped into different meanings by these two, and that is fine by me, for again, the ULTIMATE JUDGE knows my heart, and I am comforted in that knowledge. Blessed Saturn Day to ALL.
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.
(And sorry if my "branding" offends those who hate the Ghost. You hate that we say "pan is the only acoustic musical instrument invented in the 20th century as well. Why? Go figure...)