Hi guys,
May need your help and expertise once again.
When I got a new low c tenor, I noticed a dark spot next to the A on the playing side.
I thought that a polish with chrome cleaner would get rid of the issue, but I am finding that the dark spots are effecting more area. (There is areas on the underneath of the pan too)
I tried taking a picture but it is really hard to show up, as different lighting angles show the mark clearer than others.
Should I be concerned? Or is it just an aesthetic issue or a real one?
Well, I think you can rule out rust. Turtle Wax Chrome Cleaner will treat rust, especially if applied, rubbed in and left on for a few days to do its chemical thing, but this doesn't resemble that. Looks like a melanoma to me.
Defective chroming?
Are the inside and outside spots in the same place?
Are more spots coming or growing, or are you just noticing them? Is the underbelly chromed in the areas you're now seeing spots?
Does the chrome seem at all loose in these spots?
I don't have answers, as you see, but these are more questions whose answers might help you or a knowledgeable tuner or chromer in the forum to narrow down the problem.
Good luck!
- Are the inside and outside spots in the same place?
No they're not
- Are more spots coming or growing, or are you just noticing them? Is the underbelly chromed in the areas you're now seeing spots?
The original spot has always been there, but I have only recently noticed more of it in a larger area.
If you think it's a malanoma, what does this mean and is it something to be concerned?