Trinidad and Tobago CNMG - CNTworld shut down Gayelle TV for broadcasting the carnival. They have threatened them with legal action. Should a state run broadcasting channel be competing with a private community operation that regularly support cultural? It is interesting that this same organization couldn't even get the broadcast of the panorama over the internet straight this past weekend.
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Sick and laid up in I had to take in the Carnival events on TV....CNMG to be exact.Only to be given intercourse by CNMG during the entire season of broadcasted events.Soon Minister Parsanlal will eventually cover up the whole affair about how this (TTT) station got the contract to monopolise the events.and how they did a good job of feeding people worldwide, pure and uncut bull manure. This 20 /20 vision surely has cataract and we are only succeeding in going backwards.Opportunities lost could never be regained. We've again lost a golden chance to show off our Country's show of Carnival in comparison to the high incidence of Crime.I still cannot see why the Government chose to give one Station the broadcast rights for Carnival ???......there's a kickback lurking somewhere,and we'll soon find out who were the receivers.
In years past, Gayelle had interesting interviews with people on the streets, from different locations, etc. CNMG only broke away once, that I saw, to Adam Smith Park to see Silver Stars play. That's it. No other steelbands other than those that could get to the Savannah and most of them gave up. The commentators were very ill-informed and sounded like someone who came here for their first Carnival. CNMG doesn't support the Carnival and culture the rest of the year...this was just a play for money and exposure.
I seem to recall that in the past even with ONE tv station we were still able to view what was happening on other stages around town. CNMG's coverage suggested that only what was on the savannah stage was valid. Also apart from the bmobile and Comedy Show ads that were run every three minutes or so, the station's own introduction to the coverage was too long and totally unnecesssry. Ther was no need to run it every time because we all knew we were TRYING to watch the "Parade of the Bands on CNMG"
They should be ashamed of themselves, not just for all the rubbish meted out to the other stations but for inflicting Rene Cummings on us as an outside commentator for most of the events. They were so mean they did not eve let the NCC chanel in on thje carnival
This was my First year of not playing mass after 19 years, and I ending beig disgusted and fed up CNMG BROADCASTERS DID NOT DO THEIR HOME WORK. calling charaters by the wrong name, Imagin callin the dance the sailors do when stoking the fire the young lady repeatedly called it scrubbing the deck, and a jab jab a jambolassie my god were they Trini's a lot of incorrect information was past, by 3:00pm I took two good drinks and went to sleep.
The quality of CNMG's coverage of the carnival events leading up to the two days of revelry took me back to the bad old days of the blundering TTT. Commentators were clueless and there seemed to be no communication between them and master control as they were unceremoniously cut off in mid-sentence at every commercial break. The commercials themselves seemed to be THE main feature of their coverage, interrupted by the mas instead of the other way around. After years of having viewing options and relatively good coverage, this year we were shackled to CNMG's giant leap backward as far as television broadcast standards are concerned.
CNMG put on the worst production for carnival and they had the nerve to charge $80.00. I believe they think all the people who live overseas are rich or like some Trinidadians believe once you live out side the country money drips like honey. I am ashamed of the way this company behave. Last year I was able to view the event on Gayelle and the live stream was good. Some of us paid this company and got nothing.
at least some of you got through on Tuesday. I paid my money and say a blank screen. I'm not even sure how to get my money back. Its probably impossible. You know, I wish they would offer it via satellite as a pay per view. Or even via one of the outlets that show their cable shows via the computer so the traffic would be handled that way. Just the suggestion that they do this by themselves online was ridiculous. It showed lack of foresight as to how many people would want to see the event.
Oh and how did it look to everyone that at the very last minute it was limited to one station...payoff anyone? So much for encouraging fair competition. No wait!! I must be thinking of another advanced country.
Long live WACK!
Oh and how did it look to everyone that at the very last minute it was limited to one station...payoff anyone? So much for encouraging fair competition. No wait!! I must be thinking of another advanced country.
Alright I'm done fuming.