Illinois, USA - Clifford Alexis, a Trinidadian born, employed at Northern Illinois University, was selected to receive an Outstanding Service Award for Staff for the year 2009.
He has been employed with NIU for the past 22 years and at present he is the co-director of NIU steelband together with Liam Teague. In addition to co-directing the steelband, Clifford, has been involved in composing and arranging music for NIU steelband and steelbands within the U.S. Additionally, Clifford also builds and tunes steelpans for NIU, other schools and groups in the U.S. and to anyone that requires his service.
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Clifford Alexis is truly deserving of the many honours that he has received. The contributions that he has made to the Steelband fraternity are remarkable and I think it would only be fitting for the government of Trinidad and Tobago to officially recognize his work with an honourary doctorate.
I have known cliff for the pass 22 years played under his leadership and travel around the U.S played for most of Malls school .Las.vags also clayton green invaders double second player i was around when he started to tune in florida when patrick arnold came to florida and he decide to take up the art in tuning because there were not much tunes around .so he came along way heads up cliff.wharff
Thank you for your contributions to the art form and thank you for helping other pan men and women achieve their goals.