To first "prove to the 'world'," that anything is "the 'world governing' body" for anything speaks to first clearly understanding what "world" and "governing" mean. What part/s of the world do we refer and is/are being governed?
By now, the "world" should have known about the "history and development" of pan, but then again, what part/s of the world? The carded August 6-9th 'International' Conference is said to be addressing "The History and Development of Pan, The Science of the Instrument and the Applications used and Recent Developments of the Instrument," but I'm thinking, based on interacting with internationals from as far as Sweden, Indonesia, India, Switzerland, Africa, an astronaut, many have already studied these areas except the latter. They were so mesmerized by this Pulsating Amazing and Noble creation, that they took it upon themselves to do their own studies and experiments.
Coming out of a Renegades 2004 steelpan workshop, an Indian UWI student (from India) -- who was a participant -- stated that she's actually grateful for the opportunity as she was finishing her music course and her choice of instrument was the pan. She stated, "in India, we have found the instrument to be mesmerizing, and realized it does something to humans when you both play it and hear it. Our science and music students (back home) are studying the instruments to see what about it invokes an excitement...," and that was four months shy of 10years.
The 'world' is depending on us for answers, but in realizing those (answers) coming forth are either slow in coming or are not sound, they (the people of the greater 'world') are doing their thing.
A person of the 'world' came to "the mecca of pan" and played for Panorama, but guess what?
He and his four music colleagues (all music graduates, one with a pan ensemble and teaches at a University) said quite brazenly that "you'll didn't promote pan, it's 'we' in the bigger world that did. We can't learn anything else from you'll in pan, but we come for the Panorama excitement to boost our list of Experience profile...."
And so, I hope the "International" Conference can really shed some sound light/education on the 'world.'
Are you'll aware that many of us are not aware that one of the world's most prolific musicians, Liberace, promoted a TnT steelband back in the late1960s named Tripoli, and had them tour with him for two whole years?
Liberace of all people, and today, pan is still struggling for prominence in the 'world'?
Desperadoes performed to a packed audience and received standing ovations at the famous Albert Hall? My God, I can't even remember in what year but it can be over 20-30 years ago.
Pandemonium Steel Orchestra performed at the prestigious Super Bowl game and the 1976 Olympics?
And the list of world performances is so long it can wrap around the 'world,' and we are still struggling to get this instrument to gain prominence in the world.
But then again, my question, what part of the world, and what will we be saying to the world?
In a television interview around the Panorama season, on set, the presenter asked the representative of a/the champion Panorama band, "how do you'll feel when you go 'out there'?"
The guest replied," when we perform, people treat us as though we are 'celebrities.'
And I chuckled, and said, we really don't know of the 'world.'
For the WORLD recognizes quality and winners as celebrities. You win in any world competition, and you automatically become a celebrity. The problem arises when the winner isn't properly managed/guided after that to keep that momentum up!
Love my pan brothers and sister!
Gotta run!
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Yo certainly made this thing called PAN a study....great research....Pan Am North Stars in their hey day [Anthony Williams], played with the world renowned pianist of Trinidad heritage, Winifred Atwell, at some international location or event. I believe they also have a recording not sure if its a single or album
And there are so many more international pan stories.
Where are all these stories hidden?