I am happy for all the finalists, especially Exodus, Renegades, Trinidad All Stars, Harmonites, Tropical Angel Harps, and Invaders. I will really miss Despers though.
I was blown away by the arrangement that Venessa Headley put down for Golden Hands, it won't be long before this young lady is going up against the big-boys.
Jenny Lee > Cecil hinksonFebruary 6, 2012 at 9:32am
omg that was some sweet pan! I loved Invaders too! But I absolutely loved All Stars' performance! Everyone did a great job with their piece.
I am happy for all the finalists, especially Exodus, Renegades, Trinidad All Stars, Harmonites, Tropical Angel Harps, and Invaders. I will really miss Despers though.
Ah getting this VIBE, that FONCLAIRE is going to be 2012 panorama champions.
AGREED, the Prof works so hard and it would be very nice indeed...
I was blown away by the arrangement that Venessa Headley put down for Golden Hands, it won't be long before this young lady is going up against the big-boys.
AGREED..and she is a Music Literacy Trust scholar
Anyone got any video or audio of Arima Golden Symphony from prelims as yet?
Melodians piping hot in the Eastern Zone medium band category! Good going by Amrit Samaroo.