When Steel Talks extends congratulations to all members of Team Re-Build, whose slate of candidates was 100% successful, along with Ms. Sandra Awai of Team New Times who tied with Ms. James as PRO.
Much success in the future...
Pan Trinbago #steelband #2018 #elections #results #TrinidadTobago
PRESIDENT - Beverley Ramsey-Moore
VICE PRESIDENT - Carlon Harewood
SECRETARY - Denise L. J. Hernandez
PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICERS (a tie) - Salisha James and Sandra Awai
TREASURER - Gerard Mendez
TRUSTEE #1 - Keith Simpson
TRUSTEE #2 - Darwren Greenidge
Congratulations on a well-rewarded victory. The change that was needed for years has finally come
I certainly hope that the people you know, oh so well, will live up to your expectations. I also hope that the chosen know what TRUST, HONESTY and INTEGRITY really is. I hope that they do better than they do in their "own" organizations. The whole is better than the individual, so we HOPE.
I offer two suggestion that could serve the organisation well:
1. Find a way to collect an entrance fee from the extremely huge crowd that has been occupying the space starting opposite the Memorial Park and ending at the Holding Bay.
I am part of that crowd and stand ready to make a contribution if and when that decision is taken.
2. Expedite the show at a faster pace especially as it relates to the lengthy gaps between bands.
Congrats to all!!! Now we get down to the important task at hand with the effort this election was all about. Time To Re-build. Forward Ever, Backward Never. We all have a role to move pan to higher heights. Let's ALL Do Something Good For Pan!!!
Congratulations. I wish you success in your efforts to contribute to creating an an organization which is truly democratic,transparent and accountable. The task you have chosen and elected to do is not easy. Remember to conduct yourselves in such a way that when your time comes to relinquish office ( and that time will surely come) your successors will have room to continue building and not have to focus on re-building. You can then leave with your heads held high and, assured that by the way in which you have discharged your responsibilities, that the pan community has made another contribution to the nation ,this time,in the area of political culture.
To whomever posted this:
PanTrinbago has 2 Trusties; the new 2018 incumbants are:
Trusties: Keith Simpson (Tripolians) & Darwren Greenidge (T&T Prison Service Steel Orchestra).