
  • In T&T, waiting for PanTrinbago new HQ is akin to Waiting for Godot, ent...


  • Patrick we have to wait and see. These days I am seeing a lot of members in T&T defending PanTrinbago, we never saw that before, so maybe we in foreign should ease-up on them and hope they DO THE RIGHT THING FOR PAN.

  • My concern though, is whether the people who would inhabit the place, would "DO SOMETHING FOR PAN."

  • Cecil, this is long overdue, so if it looks like a Hindu temple and Sat had something to do with it, more power to him. Looks impressive to me, better than the last one(?).

  • Yuh know the building look just like a Hindu temple, ah wonder if SAT had anything to do wid D design.        lol

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