Controversy at Pan Trinbago as election approaches

Trinidad & Tobago Newsday

Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - In the run-up to the October 28 elections of Pan Trinbago, to be held at the Capital Plaza (formerly Crowne Plaza) controversy is already heating up regarding nominations, delegates, and bands, being financial in the organisation.

Pan Trinbago Secretary, Richard Forteau is being accused of attempting to hold to the tenets of Article 10 of Pan Trinbago’s Constitution, but pan players find his action illegal.

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    This election really has controversy, last night I was in the company with some friends one of the individual with us started talking about the upcoming PTB elections and what is happing with the steelpan movement that is very embarrassing to the world,  then all of us stated to share our views, then to my surprise a gentleman with us said his partner from a band in the south was called by a member of PTB to come in the office, he was notified that his band has been redundant and was not financial, but the monies for his band would be paid so they can be financial  and two delegates from the band can vote in the election on Sunday and they have to vote for the Diaz slate he was also ask to keep it a secret.    

    These people in the executive of PTB are really corrupt imagine they are still in that office making sure that the list is in there favour so here it is they are throwing out bands that they know are not in support of them for reasons they claim they are not being financial and putting in bands that have not being financial for decades in order to steal the elections and all of this is being done after nomination day have been closed.   I understand that the opponents on the other sides have been asking PTB executive for a list of all bands and there delegates that are legible to take part in the election and up to this day they are not been provided with the information. Now I know why, the list is not finish voter padding, these people will make sure they go all out to remain in office because it is all about their survival and not the best interest of our national Instrument and the going forward as a movement. What a SHAME……..  PAN PEOPLE WAKE UP do the right thing for PAN on Sunday, it is not eat ah food for your band today, but being able to feed your band for the rest of its existence........ 

    • Good post Denise!!! But all politics is corrupt so there is nothing new here.


      Tell this to Cecil again: "these people will make sure they go ALL OUT to remain in office because it is all about their survival and not the best interest of our national Instrument."

      So don't be surprised if they "GO ALL OUT" and beat out the VISIONARIES.


      • The New Visionaries should involve some lawyers and go before the courts and make sure everything is alright before the election.

        I've said it before Denise, Diaz strength is the small and pan-round -the-neck bands, what you have discribed is what he does to them. 

  • Mr Joseph John, I'm glad you put on yuh guns boi, you made some good comments. I hope that the government see the need to intervene and make sure that this election comes off without controversy, they have been spectators for too long.

  • I have been watching and reading all the articles on WST and the local press re: the Pan Trinbago elections 2012 and decided that I will remain quiet and see how things will go, in this very important election.  One which I believe from all reports will be the "mother of all elections" held by Pan Trinbago, as the future of the steelband movement in Trinidad & Tobago is at stake..  But when I read last Saturday's article in the Newsday, I like "Chalkie" Ah put on meh guns again.

    For starters, how could a candidate, in an election be the person who decides who will contest or not? especially when  the incumbents are facing the greatest challenge in their history. This, tantamounts to himself judging himself, and more so the person charged with that responsilibity, is one of the most incompetent administrators in any business in Trinidad & Tobago.  Reports are always late, mistakes, important matters are left undone, and a whole lot of faults you can find from any administrator.

    Secondly, this same administrator attempted to pull that same trick on Mr. Patrick Arnold at the last election, by deciding that Mr. Arnold the then Pesident, could not contest the election accodring to his interpretation of the constitution, and it was left for Mr. Theodore Guerra, SC, who wrote to him and demanded that Mr. Arnold, be allowed to contest the election.  Now one, would think, that as recent as three years ago, that problem existed, and three years later the same problem arose?  Does the administrator plan to steal the election?  The New Visionaries, must be commended for their stand on the issue, and while some may say that why the court/legal option, they were left with no choice in the matter. That administrator believes that he owns Pan Trinbago, and therefore comes up with his own rules as he sees fit.  I wait with bated breath to see his response as he has only until 10.00 am today to rectify the rubbish/con man trick he attempted, if this is not bringing the organisation into disrepute, as is his favourite words, then tell me what is? He should be immediately removed. There are so many other issues regarding his incompetence, but I will deal specifically with the elections at this time. (Check out Pelham Goddard's recent WST post)

    A word of warning to the New Visionaries, you have to get the Elections and Boundaries Commission, your line Ministry, Ministry of Arts and Multiculturalism involved in this election as the "administrator" will attempt other tricks on the day of the elections.

    1  You must demand a list of all financial bands and their delegates before the election.

    2. All voters must present some form of ID in order to vote

    3. Supervisors/election clerks must ensure that all voters must be properly identified.

    4. All ballots must be numbered.

    5. Two (2) teams of people must validate each ballot so as to ensure the validity of each ballot.

    In closing, I want to wish the New Visionaries the best of luck in this election, if it is held, and to all delegates, let your conscience be your guide before you cast that very important vote.  The people of Trinidad & Tobago are depending on you, the world of Pan is depending on you. It is time for a real change, a new image, a new direction, a new vision.

  • Pan Trinbago are quaking in their boots, because of WST forum, the member of WST are wise and intelligent, five years ago all these gangster behavior the current Pan Trinbago administration is excersing would pass as a STEUPS. Today Pan Trinbago have to be politically correct of what they say and do, the print media, the social media are on the ball of all these issues.

    For example the last 50 years Pan Trinbago could do anything and the public could only GRIPE, those days are OVER.

    Almost everyday in T&T the radio and the print media have discussions about the upcoming Pan Trinbago election, this issue is on the front burner in T&T, from now on no matter who is running Pan Trinbago they are in the HOT SEAT to answer for the tax payers money, it will be serious scrutiny.

    WST forum is on the ball, so Claude yesterday gone, Pan Trinbago issues are the present, what is happening NOW.

    Trust me the authorities are watching. I have a hunch this election would be heading for the courts.

    • It will be a sad day (as it usually is) for Pan in Trinidad & Tobago, if this election comes off on Sunday in the face of all these allegations.  Even the whiff of just a bit of this level of impropriety merits at least a temporary legal injunction until some type of investigations into those allegations, are conducted.

      If not - and as Pan Trinbago is supposedly the 'world-governing body for pan' - Trinidad & Tobago overall (since the government through the years is a major financial supporter of Pan Trinbago) is looking like a Banana Republic, together with the steelband electorate.

    • Andre: I agree with your last sentence; which means that Diaz and his boys might still be in power during this coming carnival. When I see a discussion forum like WST on the PanTrinbago website then I will agree with you that "yesterday gone" but if you check your new president's resume you will see government work and more government work. PanTrinbago needs a TODAY LEADER ... somebody in their 30's or 40's who is up on all your present day media references and not looking for another GOVERNMENT JOB. Look at the "'NEW PRESIDENT" and her MENTOR and tell me that "yesterday gone". SAME OLD POLITICS AS USUAL.

  • Pan players find his (Forteau) action illegal, but is it?

    • Patrick, Forteau has been doing a bad job for about 20yrs. I think he feels threatened so he is doing whatever he can so that he can keep on doing ah bad job.

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