It is said Pan can play anything, why is it in 2016 people are still composing Pan Tunes with minimum Pan participation? This is odd, since the technology is available, Composers that arrange for steelband are the ones that's supposed to be leading the charge to get this brake-through, others will follow. We cannot promote the pan in a "half-assed" manner.
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Well if the "family of steelband instruments" could replace all the conventional instruments used in calypsos for panorama -- why aren't the music producers jumping at the opportunity? With all the software in the studio today doing a production like that is a piece of cake -- so how come none of the calypsonians and their arrangers are NOT going down that road?
They don't feel the Pan could deliver.
Well Cecil, I suppose the culture and standard from ever since Pan began was from Brass/Calypso, or say classical instrumental music to Pan, and not Pan and Pan music to Pan. It would also put greater meaning to the cliche that "Pan could play anything" outside the realm of Pan. I believe that listening to the both versions of the musical instruments and music, (comparing one with the other) and this is really what it does, really highlight the amazing gift to the world the Steelpan is, and what it brings to the world of music.
Who are we trying to fool? we ourselves have a certain degree of uncertainty about Pan, it is evident by the way it is left out of our music and our carnival. The million dollar question is, when are we going to FULLY embrace this art form, when will we get the confidence to use it as we do conventional instruments? your guess is as good as mine. The world is waiting.
Let it be known, a pan playing in a group with conventional instruments will always be just another instrument, it becomes different with a steelpan orchestra, we have a family of instruments it's up to us to promote it. We say it can play anything, then play everything.
Cecil, I understand clearly what you are saying, because I have been saying the same thing too. If these tunes are composed for Pan to play for panorama,which is what will be played by a steel orchestra,then why not record with Pan only. And it's not going to cost any more than the normal studio recording. Let me explain how it can be done. Lets say the the normal tracks with Brass, Bass, keyboard etc. was done by one person with a keyboard ( no other live instrument ) just Midi tracks. Then all that has to be done is change all the instruments Eg. Bass, Brass keyboard etc. to Pan. and give it a listen. I hope that your point is not being misunderstood by some because I see it is starting to go in another direction.
We need the top composers/ arrangers to step up and step out, this could be beneficial to the whole music scene in the Mecca.
Cecile i totally agree, but points in making and putting out a pan tune..i always had my own recording studio, but there are others who have to go hie one then hire the arranger for the song then pay to mix and master then pay for an artist to sing it..the the royalties are so low the composer really dont get nothing but a name and thats really IF any steel band played it and if the radio station played it...Example: and artist good friend of mine tells me about the BS he had to go through t get his music played on a radio station in T&T...they want money to play your music on the air make it worst your not local and thy find out your In the USA or UK..they charge all this is what makes me hold back on really putting out music. i can get artist all day i got the sutdio and can mix and master but when it comes to air play and production the composer is at a big lost.
which is true, but just like me i have a couple Pan Tunes ready to go and i got connected with Barnette Preacher Henry to finish the second verse and chorus too the money and did not do the work..the last time i launch a pan tune was in 2010 and over the years the melodies and music has literally gone down the drain. so i will be launching for the 2017 season. But there is nothing really with substance anymore.
Kevin: I am glad you came on the forum to talk about some of the nonsense that goes on in the process. After you launch your 2017 song you should come back and tell us about the costs involved and the hassles you endured during the production of the music. Make sure you put some PAN in your PAN TUNES song or Cecil will get vex with you. What was PREACHER doing for you? Was he writing the lyrics or doing the melody or the studio production? If it's just the lyrics you are lacking I am sure that you and I could email and work that out!!!
i have a book of pan tunes from over the years of just working from MCA record to Bad Boys to Time Warner ENT to Sony Music Group-where i resign...majority of the time i just write 1 verse with the chorus and if any bridge... i hired Preacher when Leston Paul my good friend connect Precher and might be be but am and the way i work so i hired preacher paid him $1200.US upfront to finish wire the 2 pan tunes for me..for each song all Preacher had to do was write the 2nd and 3rd verses and if a 4th one the chorus was already done...calling preacher it was always an excuse..i Brought a second house in ATL GA just to do recording as am now working with producing tracks for Waka Flocka Jonny Gill and Usher's new Album..every time preacher came to the studio he would tell me he aint come here for that but go down stairs and have couple i got tired of it and i hit up Leston who in turned called him...this man sends me back what i wrote and tells people he did the work ..come to find out am not the only one that he been conning he took my money and never write anything ..Hence this is the reason why i dont deal with culture like that anymore too much EGO for nothing, the mentality is so backward..dont get me wrong there is some thats doing the do but...when i go T&T am in All Stars XO Invaders with Amrit and a limited few cause we ourselves are killing the culture with this mess...and as for cecil i do agree..its a PAN Tune Put pan in it and make the melodies based around pan and the pan Culture..