
  • This summer gone, I listened to a top symphony orchestra playing Beethoven's 5th in the middle of a shopping mall.

    Some of us had come deliberately, to listen to the music, but most had not. Still, the effect on the audience was electrifying, children danced with joy, tough-looking youths swayed and rocked, and adults seemed to be in a listening trance. It was like a Rock concert, because the music was played with real feeling and free from the constraints and preconceived notions of a sit-down, concert hall setting.

    I am saying this because I see no conflict between 'jam' and 'classical'. I love both and they can live in harmony with each other, along with strains of kaiso and folk. 

    Syncretism is at the very foundation of Caribbean culture.

    Panorama tunes mirror the complexity and beauty of Caribbean society: the passion, tenacity, creativity and, above all, the incredible talent of its people.

    The return to Classic Kaiso this year is a good thing. Maybe the arrangers are tired of trying to squeeze a viable arrangement out of Two Chords and a Ridm, but the result is a bumper crop of good music along with introducing the youths to their musical heritage. It is also wonderful to see a whole new generation of players in the bands. Time to celebrate- with a good old fashioned Jam!


    Personally, I still think it eh have ENOUGH JAM in dem PANORAMA ARRANGEMENTS.

    And ah hoping that come PANORAMA NIGHT, Duvone Stewart doh take out some ah  THE JAM and put back in more of that irrelevant classical nonsense ... because as they like to say to me when I challenge them on this issue: The judges are classically trained. Well, it ain't a CLASSICAL MUSIC COMPETITION.

    So maybe we need some CALYPSO JUDGES to JUDGE CALYPSO being played on PAN on a CARNIVAL SATURDAY NIGHT in TRINIDAD.


      Hopefully, you would be able to view and, when you do, listen, seek, find and illustrate to me one example or examples of "irrelevant classical nonsense" so I could fully understand what you mean by your claim which at present remains a "Mystery" to me.

      • We went down that road already in 2020: "about 3 mins into the arrangement up until about 6:45, the arrangement was unrelated to [the] song itself. How can something unrelated to the tune of choice be considered melodic and motivic development if I can't locate neither of those things on your arrangement?"

        Alexica Lxc Adams

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