Trinidad Newsday

Don Carrington, of Caziq online music streaming service, at Desperadoes mas band launch on Friday. PHOTO BY GARY CARDINEZ

Desperadoes Steel Orchestra is set to take pan into the realm of online music streaming via Caziq.

This was revealed by Don Carrington, team leader of Caziq, during the launch of the steelband’s mas presentation on Friday night at its panyard, Tragarete Road, Port of Spain.

Carrington explained: “Caziq is the first streaming service dedicated to all Caribbean culture. It was born out of the desire to aggregate the immense collection of the Caribbean’s musical and cultural works and preserve it for future generations, while making it available to the world today, in a familiar and convenient format.”

He added: “The Caziq platform is the most convenient way to access all genres of Caribbean music, created for us, by us, in a world class package.”

..He said: “This will create a new revenue stream for the creators of Caribbean music, as they are able to tap into a market that grew by 41 per cent, in 2017, and now accounts for 54 per cent of global music revenue. Desperadoes Steel Orchestra will be the first steelband to make the transition to having its music available on Caziq and to be featured on Caziq’s original video series, The Reel.”...

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    Foreign influence is a strange beast, there needs to be an understanding of the various streaming services and “apps” which are available to the internet user worldwide. Caribbean and in particular Trinidad & Tobago must demonstrate their knowledge is not limited and embrace the wider, already established providers.

    When you put your music out there for consumption, all available media must be included.

    While I agree the introduction of another streaming service is a good thing in principle, the need to understand the paranoia surrounding internet security by users when it involves money payments must also be borne in mind.

    TIDAL and Spotify (both Scandinavian companies) already exist. So is Amazon Music. Caziq however is new and has no security history. In addition, the fact that is only available from APP Store is worrying. Telling me that Android and Desktop will follow shortly does not fill me with confidence.

    Make sure you’re not being used by the unscrupulous sources which exists.

    Who is behind CAZIQ? Where are they based? How will subscription services be guarded against “hacking”? i.e. https:/ Secure website.  What percentage of the subscription will be paid in royalties to the artists? These are the questions that need to be answered before I can commit.



    • Hope this helps answer some of your concerns...

      That's the dream of two of T&T's avid mu­sic col­lec­tors, Don Car­ring­ton and Sime­on San­di­ford, and their team, who are all busi­ness part­ners in Caz­iq.

      Caz­iq is the new­ly born stream­ing plat­form for One Caribbean Voice which aims to make all kinds of Caribbean mu­si­cal con­tent eas­i­ly avail­able via a mo­bile ap­pli­ca­tion. And like all new­borns, it's a work in progress.

      Come Feb­ru­ary, the Caz­iq app should be avail­able to all the pub­lic via the Google Play and the Ap­ple App Store. But for now, the app has just been re­leased to a few se­lect­ed mu­sic in­dus­try ex­perts and afi­ciona­dos for them to ex­pe­ri­ence, en­joy, and give their feed­back, said Car­ring­ton in a Guardian in­ter­view last week.

      One Caribbean Voice Infomercial

      A succinct introduction to the new business paradigm, One Caribbean Voice, for marketing our cultural offerings in the global arena.

    • Ok just read the article in the Guardian, seems to have answered most if not all my questions. All I can say is It's about time!!!.

      Ok guys hurry up with the android and desktop versions.

      I'm not an Apple person (they're over rated).

      Anyway how large is the catalogue at present? anyone know? 

  • Caziq music at your fingertips...

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