Trinidad Guardian 1/26/2019


"Ac­cord­ing to Kei­th Simp­son, man­ag­er of St James Tripo­lians Steel Or­ches­tra, most of the 163 bands go­ing up for Panora­ma are un­spon­sored, and just about 20 of them have cor­po­rate spon­sor­ship.

With cuts in Pan Trin­ba­go’s bud­get, bands will now have to raise their own funds af­ter the or­gan­i­sa­tion an­nounced that it could not promise stipends to play­ers for 2019, who do not qual­i­fy for the se­mi-fi­nals. This may im­pact on play­ers’ per­for­mances."

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Ah thought that KEITH SIMPSON was on the executive? And they fire SANDRA AWAII who could have been of GREAT HELP in bringing SPONSORS to the TABLE.

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