Who in their right mind would run a PUBLIC CAMPAIGN against THE RIGHT HONOURBALE KEITH DIAZ? Months ago I offered THE CIP my political consulting services to TAKE DOWN KEITH DIAZ with a subversive internet onslaught -- but they refused my offer thinking that they had a better PLAN IN PLACE.
Anyway, I am OLD but I don't spend my life looking back at the SIXITES trying to bring PAN BACK ON THE ROAD -- I like to look at tomorrow or the REAL NICE WEATHER TODAY. So if THE CIP want to hire me N-O-W -- I will take the job and we could TAKE DOWN KEITH DIAZ.
The only problem is that my plan involves some collateral damage which dem CIP MEN eh go like too much. But WAR IS WAR!!!
If dem fellahs really want the POWER and THE GLORY of RUNNING PAN TRINBAGO ... all dem references to THE CONSTITUTION and the marching and the disruption of the PAN TRINBAGO meetings and the postings on this forum -- we have to move beyond that!!!
Now in my heart, ah hope dem CIP MEN refuse my offer again. Because, to be honest: Going up against THE GREATEST POLITICIAN IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD eh no easy task, eh. So with all meh BIG TALK ah quaking in meh boots already. When I look in the KEITH DIAZ CEMETERY and see the AMOUNT AH DEAD BODIES maybe I should retract my offer and go and smoke dem CUBAN CIGARS that meh friend just bring back from CUBA and forget about all this PAN and TRINIDAD POLITICS.
Whilst talk of boycotting , society views that as antagonistic, and while society may not support such an antagonistic viewpoint, getting in the way of the Nation's enjoyment of the national festival..., my 22 million dollar question is how much more are the players are to be used to only be discarded until Govt feels to pay...whatever they want whenever they want
Doh come and tell me nutten about times hard and de country under pressure economically, cause Arrangers, tuners, transporters, prize money ain't cutting by 33%,.....only players must feel the cut.....and carry the festival ..Nah man Claude.. Not so.....come on brother!
And on top of that, going back to an overall zonal quota system,...because Tobago bands excellence is so consistent, that the route to cutting transport expenditure is to go back to a unjust system of imposing zonal quotas impaired by subjective judging to ensure that gets their 10%....REALLY?!!!
When yuh go by KFC to buy a box of chicken, try getting food without paying the cashier first nuh,..see if Yuh will get nuh..
The form must follow the function, like the dog must wag its tail......
Gregory Lindsay Correspondance.pdf