Trinidad & Tobago Guardian
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Pan Trinbago president Keith Diaz says this year’s Panorama competition will be an exciting year for steelband and will lead to the introduction of Panorama as an international pan competition in 2014.
Though Diaz divulged little details about the event, he said competitors could begin registration as early as March 15.
This year’s competition also will see a change on the final night as the usual prize-giving, which takes place on the night of the finals, will be postponed to an award ceremony on February 22.
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Does Trinidad and Tobago have the infrastructure and or will to pull this off? I've of some horror stories has it relates to the housing situation of the Tobago bands over the years and they are local. Maybe a truly international panorama should be a once every decade event with alternate host countries.
The thought of an international panorama is an intriguing one, and something I'd love to see one day. However there would be many obstacles to overcome, the least of which would be providing support to the visiting panists.
Local accommodation would have to be arranged of course, and a major obstacle can be overcome by standardization of pans.
With standardized pans, arrangements could be made to lease or rent pans, equipment and facilities from inactive steelbands.
Carnival in North America and Europe are summertime actives and steelbands are not capable of being active year round as they can in T&T.
(This incidentally is a built in advantage that T&T steelbands have over bands in the temperate zone countries.)
Also, since most of the panists are of school age, it would be almost impossible to recruit and practice a Ppanorama steelband around the time of T&T Carnival, which is mid winter, during the school year.
This international panorama would have to be in summer or early fall, close enough to the Panoramas in Canada, New York and London, before the bands shut down for the winter months.
Just another reason to add to my list of reasons for moving Panorama from the time of T&T Carnival, to later in the year..
Etc. etc. etc.
Points taken!!! And for the same reasons I envision a SEPARATE panorama (outside of the CARNIVAL status quo) expanding the horizons somewhere between July and September in TRINIDAD. A new administration in Pan Trinbago might see this light. But it is NOT the current alternative fighting to replace DIAZ.
Claude Boi, ANYBODY would be BETTER than the present administration, simply because THEY would have THEIR point to prove. But more than this, it is up to US the Pan Diehearts to put the pressure on and make things happen. How did you think this idea of International Panorama came up? Diaz is under pressure to perform, and he knows that he has too do something to LOOK GOOD. My question still remains, WHERE IS THIS INTERNATIONAL PANORAMA FUNDING COMING FROM?? I am not against International Panorama, and I am not against the investment, but I dont want MY Tax dollars go in Dem Fellas Hands. Call me negative if you wish.Every year too much moneys not accounted for and Steelbands not paid on time, and Pan Players complaining of not being paid, and Dem Fellars Living Like KINGS. ENOUGH OF THIS DAMN NONSENSE!!!
You asked if I could say where the money from the shows go and I gave you a detailed account of same.Your response is to claim corruption which I believe is pointing a finger at me without any evidence whatsoever and to state that we are in office for too long without any new ideas although you have presented none.This level of conversation I am not willing to participate in and for that reason I hardly ever take part in any discussion on this forum precisely because hardly anything is ever presented about the tremendous work and improvement of the Organisation.Constructive critism I am willing to respond to but not the negative kind.It reminds me of Crabs In A Barrel.Goodnight.
Dear Mr McQuilkin, This forum is never short of ideas on how to improve the Steelpan culture, this is why it is # 1. I am always taken a back, AS THE WORLD GOVERNING BODY OF PAN that a facility/medium of this type isnt set up and encouraged by Pan Trinbago for the benefit of PAN and Pan lovers. I am tired of the World showing US here in Trinbago how to run things, when WE should be the leaders in everything related to the Steelpan. I am not pointing fingers at you(so no need to get personal here) I point fingers at PAN TRINBAGO and how it is run by all of you. If the PT leadership were big enough they would take everything said here as constructive critism, because EVERYONE on this forum would like to see the FLAG of T&T flying high especially in Pan related matters. Pan Trinbago lacks fresh IDEAS and the INTEGRITY to move things forward, and this could only happen at the TOP. And again, there are too many things going WRONG with and in Pan Trinbago and this is a bad sign, this is not to say all will be perfect everytime. We need a change, and I hope it comes soon in the interest of PAN. By the way, I am presenting TRANSPARENCY and INTEGRITY in office as two major Principals to move forward with as starters, there is nothing more POSITIVE.
Bertel: Yuh run the man off. We coulda ask him some good good questions. I am always curious to know how many panorama DVDs and CDs sell every year, for example.
Anthony: come back and leh we talk nah. Yuh done show yuh is ah big man because when ah take meh lil cut at you yuh take it in stride and kept going.
Bertel: I think that INCOME GENERATION (CASHFLOW) is even more important than TRANSPARENCY AND INTEGRITY. Let's keep it real: yuh have some old pan men running Pantrinbago and you expecting TRANSPARENCY and INTEGRITY. You are asking way too much given the culture.
Claude Boi, we in 2013 and de thing need updating badly, how long again Pan Trinbago go remain in the Dump? The World go leave we behind if dem fellas continue to bring Pan down. Away with de Old thinking and in with de New. DE PLATFORM IS TRANSPARENCY, doh hide NOTHING, and INTEGRITY, always come CLEAN. Claude, Pan would generate much more if dem fellas doh hide and come clean. Dem fellars have to leave office Boi. Walking or Running.
I should know because for the past 12 years I have served as the Treasurer of Pan Trinbago.I hope that gives you hope.
Pan Trinbago is ALWAYS in TROUBLE in some form or other, this is a bad sign and I really dont feel to get into details with you McQuilkin, I think that you'll are there for too long, no new Ideas, not to mention the amount of corruption, maybe its time to move on and let someone else run the show. Do this for PAN Sake.PLEASE !!!!!