This ain’t no anticlimactic musical situation- this is the real deal! Differentology looks set to take on the world and in case anyone has forgotten we must remind them that this one’s Trini born and bred! ETCETERABUZZ.COM is happy to spread the word that the hit carnival 2014 single, while remixed by the infamous Major Lazer after carnival, is gearing up for its second tier introduction to the rest of the world.
On Tuesday news came our way indicating that Bunji Garlin’s voice will be heard through the television speakers of worldwide viewers of Grey’s Anatomy 1010, the episode which is set to be aired this Thursday, November 21.
The television medical drama series has quite a following guys, and with this week’s episode dubbed, “Somebody I need to Know” set to draw in excess of 2 million worldwide viewers based on previously recorded viewership stats, we’re thinking Differentology’s gonna be given quite an opportunity to shine this week.
Bunji music has a world beat, Differentology is awesome and Carnival Tabanka is also going to do well, I'm so glad for Bunji.
Cecil, al.
Compliments of the season......The forum is far from dead......
All the best.
Cecil: Your forum is dying. You have to bring it back to life. I am going to look at that show tomorrow night to see how they use the music.
Aye Claude,
What's it with the "YOUR" forum, our forum would be more appropriate.