As a citizen of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, a Pan person, and a Carnival Arts lover, I am appalled at the disrespect and discourtesy experienced by the Steelbands and their Players at the hands of Pan Trinbago, in the just concluded Pan Is Beautiful XII, 2013.

Eight of our nation’s top Steelbands, The Codrington Pan Family, Invaders Steel Orchestra, D Woodbrook Modernaires Steel Orchestra, Couva Joylanders Steel Orchestra, Renegades Steel Orchestra, Exodus Steel Orchestra, Tropical Angel Harps and Diatonics Steel Orchestra, were promised $2.4 Million TT dollars in prize monies on the finals, November 17th 2013, and to date, December 26th 2013, Boxing Day, not a word, or a written statement from Pan Trinbago to the press as to an apology, or when these prizes will be paid.

What is even more curiously shocking to me is that these top Steelbands, some having incurred great expenses, and not received the promised assistance to participate in this prestigious festival, have not voiced a protest for not receiving the prize monies, nor have they complained of the blatant disrespect shown to them by the World Governing Body of Pan, save and except D Woodbrook Modernaires Steel Orchestra.

Where are the Dignity and Self-Respect of these Steelbands and their Players? Are they serious? Is this how these Players of our National Instrument, and our Steelbands wish to be treated as members of Pan Trinbago? How could Pan Trinbago organize this prestigious show, Pan Is Beautiful XII, knowing very well that prize monies would not be forthcoming to pay successful Steelbands? What madness is this? Is it Disrespect or What?

Has our Steelband movement become a farce? Is the Government of our Republic aware or even care this act of deceit took place in our Pan movement, and if they were, what are they doing about it? These are the questions we, as Pan Players, citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, and World Leaders in the Pan culture, should be asking ourselves!

If this fiasco should go unchallenged, what can we then expect from the Pan Bosses? Can we expect our Pan leaders to be honest and forthright with OUR funds received from the State to run our annual Pan shows and Panorama competitions? Someone very influential in the world of Pan, mentioned recently that this has happened before with the assistance monies for Panorama a few years ago, and some bands are still owed monies from as far back as 3 or 4 years or maybe more.

Why aren’t the Steelbands not paid what is rightfully theirs on time, especially when the Pan body received much more income from the famous Panorama Greens? Where did the Greens money go anyway? Are the people we should be trusting to manage the art form, stealing the money from our Pan Heritage? How and why is it the Greens money not accounted for as yet? Is it not time that Pan leaders stop using our Panorama disbursements from the State coffers as a hustle for their personal and political use? How long will these charades continue? Are these the main reasons why our Steelbands are dwindling on our roads for the carnival, as not enough care and attention are given to their growth and development by the Pan authorities, at the expense of personal gains and agendas?

Enough is enough! It is time we all think and ask ourselves as people of the Pan, if we truly approve of how our local treasure, the Steelbands, (what is left of them) and Players are managed in the land of their birth? If no, then we should take it upon ourselves to restore their value and prominence by aggressively demanding the respect that they deserve!
It is really up to us the ordinary Pan people to act upon it!

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  • Bertel

    Happy New Year brother.  I will like to thank you for your most valuable and incisive contribution to a litany of questions regarding my beloved  PT. A General Meeting has been called by PT on Thursday January 09, 2014, to deal with the President's Reports and the Audited Financial Statements.........this meeting has agreed to at the AGM held on October 26th 2013. Notice of this meeting was given by PT on December 19, 2013.

    I read it when it came out and I have the hard copy of the article on Page 12  NEWSDAY SECTION A Thursday 2, 2014 hard copy edition of your letter to the Editor.As a delegate of my orchestra to this meeting , specifically related to your questions please rest assured that I will seek a question regarding this of which you speak..

    Thank you...Heart & Love ==> Multiply

    • Thanks Lindsay, and Good Morning!

      For your information, a hard copy of the letter, DISRESPECT OR WHAT, was forwarded to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the Honorable Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the Honorable Minister of Arts and Mulitculturalism, the Chairperson of the National Carnival Commission. Email copies were sent to every Newspaper Editor in Trinidad, not to mention When Steel Talks where it was submitted first and Mr Cecil Hinkson advised me to send  copies to those good people mentioned.

      • UPDATE: I received a telephone call from the Honorable Minister of Arts and Mulitculturalism on Tuesday 7th January 2014, 11.30 am, responding to my letter saying he will personally look into this matter.

        • Good work Bertel.


      • Bertel: that's the best news I've had for the year, I think it won't be long before we see some kind of reaction, if we don't we'll just do it again.

                                        GOOD WORK BERTEL.

      • Job well done Bertel, I applaud you, keep up the good work.

  • When "Pan in Danger" was sung in 1985, maybe the composer had a vision of things which are happening now.

    Is the present Minister of Culture interested in Pan or its survival?, I think not, he however likes to travel to certain destinations which may be appealing to him.

    Why has corporate T&T withdrawn their support towards Pan Trinbago?, Is it that they just don't like Pan or they just do not care?

    Is it that the Government of T&T do not like Pan or do they just not care?

    There are answers for each of the above, as concerned citizens who love the instrument and have fought for the instrument's survival, we must analyse these statements, and look to get things in the proper perspective.

    If it is not PT's problem, then why are they not speaking out, instead of staying quiet and taking all the licks?, or are they afraid to speak out openly?

    • Trevor

      Happy new year brother

      .. A General Meeting has been called by PT on Thursday January 09, 2014, to deal with the President's Reports and the Audited Financial Statements.........this meeting has agreed to at the AGM held on October 26th 2013. Notice of this meeting was given by PT on December 19, 2013..but oh gosh man hmph ent yuh ain't no dat>steups...Answer to your question...."If it is not PT's problem, then why are they not speaking out, instead of staying quiet and taking all the licks?, or are they afraid to speak out openly?"

      As a fellow delegate at this very important meeting for which I am reasonably certain, as a senior man in de movement representing your orchestra, as well as a candidate for office at our beloved PT,...I shall be looking forward in earnest to your usual brisk contributions......You know that HE the president don't like us bad talking PT on WST...it infuriates him......psst..assistance to bands and appearance fees chow to bands serving right now...hope your band gets some while the chow's hot... 

      All de best...see you on the 9th

      • Happy New Year Gregory and all who visit and contribute on WST.

        If there are 184 REGISTERED Steelbands who attend Panorama, ( Forteau swore to this under oath), and there should be two represntatives from each band, then the committee of PT should expect 368 representatives and a few "observers".

        If for some reason the Executive committee of  PT in their wisdom ONLY expect the minimum attendees so 60% ( according to the Constitution), then they should cater for 220 band's representatives plus observers.

        Now bear in mind that this is an extremely important meeting, dealing with the PRESIDENT'S REPORTS and the AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, so all bands should be interested.

        Will Mr. Mc Quilkin be present to answer questions if asked on the Financial Statement?

        When will the Bands be provided with copies of the Audited Financial Statement, so that the bands' representatives can familiarise themselves with this document?.

        Can the Hall of CWU seat Two hundred and thirty members comfortably for a few hours?, I am looking at the minimum here.

        Shouldn't a meeting of this importance not be held at a much larger venue, where the AGM was held?So, doesn't it appear that the meeting would have less than the requirements of a Quorum and therefore no decisions can be taken?.

        Members please understand what the Executive of PT are doing, They have NO RESPECT to our Pan People.

        • Pan Trinbago and the Ministry of Arts & Multiculturalism are said to be in talks regarding ways to enhance the art-form in 2014.

          Mr Minister TT Citizens would like to know how our $40 million Tax Dollars are spent by Pan Trinbago for 2013

          Mr Minister did you received an AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS from Pan Trinbago for the year 2013?

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