Dr. deLight: I need you to vouch for me, being the supreme intellectual and psychologist that you are. Just because I happened to agree with a few of the points that Russell Providence made (points that I have pointed out many times over the years), the NEXT PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO came on this forum and called me a BANDWAGONIST.

Dr. deLight: Do I look like the kind of fellah who needs to jump on somebody else's BANDWAGON to feel good about my myself? Have I not been an INDEPENDENT voice on this forum even if people cuss me out for my views?

Dr. deLight: While these people are fighting over crumbs, I have the whole GLOBAL VISION for PAN mapped out and ready to be implemented. I am the BRIDGE between the MECCA and PAN AROUND THE GLOBE -- so why would I need to jump on THE RUSSELL PROVIDENCE bandwagon?

Please, Dr. deLight, help me to save the little bit of integrity that I might have on this forum!!!

Richard Milhous Nixon said boldly: I AM NOT A CROOK!!! Please tell that PRESIDENT IN WAITING that I AM NOT A BANDWAGONIST!!!

Thank you Sir!!!

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