"Government has therefore supplied the entire 2016 subvention to Pan Trinbago and expects they would remit what is outstanding to the members of their organisation.”

Doctor Dolly also says: “I continue to be accessible to all persons as much as possible. In some instances, when I am not, the Permanent Secretary and/or Deputy Permanent Secretary stand in and meet with groups and/or individuals.”,237874.html

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  • A boycott will only deprive players of 2017 money also.

  • The truth is out! Not surprising. Its what we knew all along but were afraid to admit. So what do we do next??

    I say only a fool would give Diaz and company another day in office. They have raped and pilllaged enough. Give them another Panorama??   To do what?  Report more million dollar losses like 2016?. To make panmen and women suffer even more?  They cannot run anything!  Everything we had is lost..

    Now its time to wake up pan people. No Panorama under Diaz!  No $500 Panorama! 

    • All I cud do is shake meh head yes! Look how Diaz tiein up everybody and dey just watchin on, eh!?. Dah fella is ah real ropeman yes! Allyuh tink d rope have ah end?

    • Douglas: We could PREACH PAUL but they will NOT LISTEN AT ALL.

      Dey LUV dey PANORAMA  too bad man!!!

      • If Pan People boycott panorama, what is achieved?

        • A new beginning. No more Diaz.

          • douglas, I'm sure Diaz can be removed without boycotting the panorama. what should be the main objective of the meeting tomorrow is declaring Diaz and his people "persona non gratta" no more should they be associated with the business of steelband. 

          • Claude I said no panorama UNDER DIAZ.  As Boogsie said, panmen must form an INTERIM COMMITTEE and run panorama for themselves. Keep Diaz and his gang as far away as possible.

  • She say: Pan players money paid.
    He say: We eh get no money.
    And the answer is.......................?

    New e-game He say/She say can be downloaded at
    • Hello Patrick

      I will defend the honor of the good Minister Dolly anytime against likes of Claude's client - gangsta Rolly Polly


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