Best case scenario is that the way gets cleared for EARLY ELECTIONS.
JUNE, maybe?
Then the candidates announce -- at least 10!!! Ah hope BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE drop out. She cannot win. But are we going to see any NEW FACES on the ballot sheet? I doubt it!!!
THE CIP is not into POLITICS, so I don't to see Aquil or Gregory or Dane or Oswald in the race.
Worst case scenario is that FORTEAU takes them back to court for another infringement on the constitution and the elections are pushed back to OCTOBER. After all the fussing and fighting, nothing changes.
I am going with the FORTEAU scenario!!! If the judge slows things down a tad, looks like KEITH DIAZ may just make it to 2020.
It's ironic that they want to move up the election date so that the new administration could have MORE TIME to plan for PANORAMA.
Don't bet on it.