I've just watched a video of Rising Stars Steel Orchestra and was impressed with their pan racks, I think this band is from the Virgin Islands, they put all Trini steelbands to shame, they have double decker pan racks which I found so kool. As Trini people sleep the rest of the world will take everything about the pan and run with it.
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It is unbelievable the emphasis we place on simple things in life and not on the really important ones.
The most important thing here, is to have the patents for pan and when you open a history book, it should say Pan was made or invented in Trinidad. Innovations are solely based on practicality. Pan on a stage could never sound good when you have an arrangement such as a double decker, apposed to individual racks of Bass; Chellos; Guitar Pan and Tenors positioned as an orchestra.
I have seen some innovation from Exodus and Desperados over the years, however it comes down to the sound.
Yes we are up in arms every time we see another island take what we call our culture and improve or change it. At the end of the day it is where the item was born that is most important. Reggae from Jamaica; Soca and Pan from Trinidad in the history books.
Ask yourself without going into a history book or online who invented the Trumpet the Sax; the Violin; the Double Bass; The Keyboard. All of these have been improved on over the decades, not by the original inventor.
History books
starlift 1982 had three double decker trailers they went to panorama with them it was a disaster
Never knew that Eustace.
We have had double decker racks in UK for sometime now, I think because of the narrow streets in London. One year one collapsed during Panorama but luckily no-one was hurt. I played one year on the top deck and it was great fun as it really really bounced! Not sure I'd be quite so happy to do that now, maybe the way forward is back - with pan-round-neck! (I run a pan round neck band and love it)
This is also my last word on this topic, Cecil.
What I'm talking about is INNOVATION.
Not necessarily copying what someone else did, or what works in a different location.
Maybe ideas could be gotten from elsewhere, but they have to be adapted for your environment.
What they are doing in VI is fine for St Thomas, and my not necessarily be suited for T&T, but it shows innovation in pan mobility.
And I maintain that there have been no new innovations in pan mobility in T&T since the 1960's or 70's, when the T&T bands lost interest in figuring out new and more efficient ways of making powerful presentations on the road.
Glenroy, at the bottom of this discussion is the fact that as Trinis we have a problem admitting that another island invented something for our steelband that is better than ours. end of discussion.
Cecil, RUBBISH!!!! Invented WHAT? Double Decker Racks????
Please inform us of the innovations from the Foreign Steel Bands for I am not aware of any. Every thing re Steelband worldwide is based on how it is done here in Trinidad and the Tutors who took Pan to the World were Trinis from way back so to portray us as being left behind is unkind and without merit . No matter what the design of the Pan Rack may be it is the quality of the Music that's Primary and we could take on the entire World when it comes to that. Thanks Bertel for yer Preach. "Yer ever see people chipping to racks?"
It's true you cannot chip to racks but it surely is a better way to move your steelband. Inventing a pan Rack, Stand, Carrying Case have nothing to with the sound but is needed to carry and enable one to play the pan, those that come up with better ideas are innovative, that's just my opinion.
Bye the way the Double Deaker Rack is innovative, and it was done by a foreign steelband.
Ok Cecil, I announce that a Foreign Steelband wins the World Steelband Panorana 2014 because of their innovation with Racks!!!! ( I wonder how ridiculous this could get?)