The prodigious talent that Trinidad and Tobago produces in all spheres is to me, a constant source of amazement. Ken "Professor" Philmore was certainly one of the stars. He was one of those persons who one would approach in awe but leave having found a friend and a kindred spirit. His music, like his personality, was always filled with warmth and joy, whether one was listening to his arrangements, to his compositions, or to his solo performances. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in his book "Strength to Love" noted that "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Ken “Professor” Philmore through his music and his life showed his true measure. His music will live on but his radiant spirit will sorely be missed.
Dawn K
Dr. Dawn Batson - Educator, Panist, Composer, Arranger
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