Dr Jit forgot pan notes

By COREY CONNELLY Sunday, January 17 2016 -- Newsday

When Jit Samaroo began to forget the notes of the tunes he arranged for BP Renegades, a steelband he had led to nine National Panorama victories, the players and members of his family became deeply concerned.

Samaroo was always sharp and precise in his work, a man revered for his musical intellect and meticulousness with the national instrument. To see him appear somewhat confused and unsure of himself was almost too much for them to bear.

Initially, they had chalked up his memory lapses to fatigue, stress and the trials arrangers usually encounter during the hectic Carnival season.

But then the memory loss became more apparent with Samaroo himself frequently questioning the notes he had taught his charges.

“There was a sense with the players that something just was not right,” Samaroo’s son, Amrit, told Sunday Newsday, last week.

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  • Every person has their day I just wants to remember all the good.
    Thank you
    Dr. Jit
  • Trust that researchers soon find out the cause for Alzheimer's and a cure or some reduction for it. It is sad when we have to recognize a person's normal life carray just so.

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