Earl: Since we NOT in the SAVANNAH GRASS, you should search around (On Sunday) and find the best CHAT PANORAMA LIME because the commentary does be RIPPING.

TRINI PAN LOVERS from all over the world does be on there -- just out to have FUN and enjoy the PANORAMA. Most of all you will find some VERY INFORMED PAN COMMENTATORS offering some high level INSIGHTS into the performances.

Usually you will get some women from NEW YORK and WASHINGTON DC who played PAN in TRINIDAD and are VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE. But there is this one GUY named THERON URBANO and he might just be one of the MOST INFORMED PANORAMA ANALYSTS I have ever met.

And you have your usual group of CULTURE STARVED TRINIS who just praise EVERY PERFORMANCE because they are just HAPPY to be hearing the music.

But the camaraderie does be OUT OF THIS WORLD -- so look around until you see some names like LINDA JOHNSON or THERON URBANO or MICHAEL SMITH on the chat ... and come and join in and have a good time ... TRINI LIME STYLE!!!


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