... boy ah had to go by the DOCTOR to stop my heart from racing. The doctor even thought that i was on some kinda synthetic drugs -- so ah had to explain the whole CULTURAL OBSESSION PAN TING to the man.
Earl: I would advise allyuh to just DROP ANY PLANS for a 2021 PAN RAMAJAY because it go be just MORE EMBARRASSMENT.
Earl: They say that YOU and ME doh know NOTHING about STEELBAND EDUCATION in schools so we should not be posting on THE TOPIC.
Earl: In the world today yuh doh have to even be a GOOD COOK to put up a CURRY CHICKEN RECIPE on YOUTUBE. Is ah different world we living in today and EVERY VOICE is free to EXPRESS it's opinion.
Earl: The CANADIAN GOVERNMENT has poured BILLIONS in to STEELBAND EDUCATION IN CANADIAN SCHOOLS over decades and up to now NOT ONE CANADIAN PAN PLAYER could even make it to the INTERNATIONAL PAN RAMAJAY 2020 COMPETITION. And I cannot even find ONE DECENT PIECE OF PAN MUSIC by any CANADIAN PAN MAN. So is either THE TEACHERS eh no good or the students eh no good or the curriculum eh no good and all that money get wasted.
Earl: What do you think?