Earl: Over the last decade, GREGORY LINDSAY worked really hard (on the ground) to bring INTEGRITY to the PAN TRINBAGO ADMINISTRATION. So I have the UTMOST RESPECT for the man.

In the last few weeks, the man was entrusted with a sacred duty to report on irregularities (past and present) within the PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVE.

Initially, he took on the assignment with VIM and VIGOR. Then, suddenly, he hit the BRAKES and started to BACK BACK. Some HIGH RANKING MEMBER in the current executive told him to WAIT TIL ASH WEDNESDAY to tell HIS STORY. And suddenly, GREGORY LINDSAY wilt like ah ... make up yuh own simile (ah don't want to print the one in meh head).

Anyway, that is where the EXCHANGES got a little imbalanced. But I am sure that you could put the pieces together (now) from there.

But as you see, today: THE MAN BLEW A GOOD STORY (which he had promised to report to the world) and allowed the BIG TT MEDIA to run with the ball.

So my question to you now, is this: Should we keep GREGORY LINDSAY on as a member of UPPI (United Pan Press International --) or should we FIRE HIM for DERELICTION OF PAN INTEGRITY DUTY?

Your call man!!!

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