Earl Richards: I know that certain topics keep recurring -- with appropriate spacing -- every Carnival season. And I was quite sure that it was time for another "IRON" song -- and you was supposed to work out all the production details.
Now we loss we chance and NAILAH gone with the topic and we cannot bring it back for at least another five years.
Ah feel some ah dem TRINIDAD PEOPLE does be stealing ideas from this WHEN STEEL TALKS FORUM. Ah hear Beverley repeating one of my ideas I suggested on this topic some two or three years ago. And now JULIAN PROMOTIONS gone with we idea and make ah big hit.
Ah have to start copyrighting meh ideas that I put on THIS FORUM.
Earl: Nobody eh sing ah good PATRIOTIC SONG in ah long time -- so is time for one ah dem. So leh we start working on it. With all the crime and corruption and gang warfare and unemployment and road accidents and flooding and murders and refinery closings -- the nation needs a nice UPLIFTING CALYPSO ,,, you and me could handle that.
And Des Vignes does be liming on FACEBOOK so we could contact him for the music and help with the lyrics.