I am willing to JOIN FORCES with ALLYUH ... but I don't want to spend my life LOOKING IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR when I know that A BRIGHTER SUN is going to RISE TOMORROW.

I have ALL THE GOOD IDEAS for PAN PROGRESS in the midst of the STATIC and BACKWARD DARKNESS. So make your LOCAL CONTACTS and get me IN THE BEVERLEY MIX and let us move BEYOND THE TRIVIA of the SIXTIES and into 2020!!!

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  • Cecil: All the years that you spend posting and reading postings about PAN and PAN TRINBAGO and you allow yourself to fall  in that "SHAKING THINGS UP" like the common sheep.

    For years all the PAN TRINBAGO PANORAMA has done is sit around all year and WAIT FOR PAMORAMA. tHSI NEW EXECUTIVE under BEVERLEY get so PANORAMA OBSESSED after the $35,000 pay per view check -- that they could not wait until January like the other do nothing executives did. So they pull the PANORAMA into OCTOBER to shorten their down time (because all they do is sit around and wait for PANORAMA ) and everybody calling that CHANGE and SHAKE UP.

    In reality, it is an EXPANSION of the PANORAMA OBSESSION and a further CORRUPTION because now the same players could play for MORE BANDS. And they further try to fool the public with some ONE MAN-ONE BAND rule which they know they cannot enforce.

    STEELBAND on the ROAD for CARNIVAL is a DEAD ISSUE.And the more road events they keep adding (like Pan on the Avenue and Borough Day and The Laventille .Parade and The Invaders Jour Ouvert) the less chance PAN has of comign bcak on the road.

    We losing the GLOBAL PAN BATTLE and the government and private sector should STOP FUNDING PAN TRINBAGO if they cannot live up the the mandate of WORLD GOVERNING BODY OF STEELBAND. And in reality, if they do not have people from the OUTSIDE working with them they will never ever be able to GOVERN GLOBAL STEELBAND -- so they should stop fooling themselves with that title.

  • Boi, where did you get this pic? it's not polite to use people pics without their consent, doh follow Zuckerburg. Doh worry about Beverley let her do her ting, after all she is just one year into her mandate, and look at what she did, sure did move around the chairs. If you want to get into the Beverley mix, you gotta change your attitude toward her, you have been very disrespectful,  but she's big enough to listen whenever you get serious, we all want what's best for pan. As for me. I have no desire to be anything  anywhere, I'm enjoying my role as dad and granpa and not not letting anything interfere with that. Plus my interest is not in Global Pan, the steelband in T&T is where my concern is. I believe a strong road show carnival Monday could do a lot to motivate them to build something to capitalize on the carnival cash cow.

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