North Brentwood Steelband Organization’s Got it Goin’ on - sets the 2009 Bar Real High
Maryland, USA - When Steel Talks (WST) departed Brooklyn at 5:40 a.m. to catch the 8:05 Washington-bound Amtrak train stopping off at 11:04 a.m. in Maryland - the site of the 2009 Pan Masters Steelband Jamboree.
WST left with a lot of anticipation, in terms of expecting much from what this year’s line up of steelbands would present. In addition to many of the Maryland-area steelbands, this year Long Island-based ADLIB Steel Orchestra - the 2008 New York panorama champions - would be participating. And based on past performances, the expectations were high for a very entertaining event. After all this was the 11th annual steelband jamboree. Simply put: if you don’t know what you are doing by now, you will never know.
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