I have been trying to send emails to the following Ministers including the Prime Minister of T&T but they keep bouncing back .Is anyone experiencing the same problems. Are there any suggestions or solutions for this situation. I also cannot seem to find Jack Warners email after searching in the portal of the T&T government can anyone help. The following emails return undeliverable
Kamla P Bissessar (kamlapbissessar@ttparliament.org); Winston Peters (wpeters@ttparliament.org); Tim Gopeesingh (tgopeesingh@ttparliament.org); M. Mcdonald (mmcdonald@ttparliament.org)
Salah, I saw on the local TV last night, our Honourable Prime Minister says that she will not abandon the Pan in the Classroom Project. Now this is a good start and a foot in the door for your proposal of a Ministry of the Pan. I would suggest that you keep on sending those emails to her and the Hon. Winston Peters.
Thanks Bertel,
Whether she means it or not ..the point is that the issue has to be in their faces all the time. I will continue but I will also be sending it( the ministry for the Pan ) to the local media
several years ago when I was soliciting the then Mstr of Culture (Ms Williams) in order to save(from sale and Condo development) the birth place of the instrument we call Pan (147 Tragarete Rd (Invaders yard) I was lucky to have some big guns on my side. They advised me to use the reg post office with copies to various people and Govt entities (the Mayor of POS, the Guardian, and others) I suggest you do the same because the privacy filters wont allow delivery of your email to Govt offices. The promise was made to stop the sale (at cabinet level we were told) and turn Invaders pan yard into a National Heritage Site but with this NEW GOVT we dont know if anything has been done or will ever be done. Good luck Paddy Corea
Paddy , thanks for the insight ...respect ..
I am sure that many of us will admit there is a trend of communication incivility in all sectors, public and private and personal. So what should we expect? Note many of our artists sing begging us to say Good mornin', please, and thank you! thus immortalizing this unwanted development. I wonder if this e-conversation could help to transform this piece of disgusting culture.
Sister thanks for a voice of simple and honest reasoning and civility ...respect
Most governments do have a method of communicating with elected officials, and there is usually an answer, if only from surrogates.
Depending on the importance of the issue, the surrogate is usually in a position to give the elected official's position on the issue.
I disagree with Sid.
You should get a response from the office of the elected official.
That's why they have staff.
On the other hand, has any one ever tried to contact PanTrinbago?
Before I ever posted a single pan video on the web, I contacted Pantrinbago explaining what I was planning to do and my reasons for doing so which was to help promote the art form world wide.
I also informed them that there was no attempt to exploit the steelbands since there was no financial gain for me.
To this day I haven't received a response from PanTrinbago, which was led by Patrick Arnold at the time.
There seems to be a pattern here.
Glenroy ,
Previously I had sent a direct email to the Secretary of the Multicultural Minister...I followed up with telephone calls to his secretary. She concluded that she did receive the documents I emailed and that the Minister will look at them. I also requested the possibilitiees of having a direct conversation with the Minister ...well I live in Montreal and I have tried at least 10 times in the last month ...I guess I can't seem to get the right time even though I requested of her ( the secretary) when would be the best times to call...but I do not give up I even sent an invitation to the Multicultural Minister to attend my festival here in Montreal for the summer... the sad thing Glenroy is ..NO RESPONSE ,,,
If I send any information to any minister here in Montreal ...the plain courtesy is that they will respond ..but ..my country...I just don't know
Salah, what you are doing are totally legal, the Government is encouraging the population to go high-tech - govt. portal like www.ttconnect.gov.tt - www.gov.tt if the members of parliament did not want the public to know their emails address it would not be publish - the government boast about open government.
Did you know 60% Trinidad Homes have Internet Service...
Actually two emails did not bounce bacl ..the one to Mr. Rowley ( opposition leader) and the other to Government Minister Roodilal so that was encouraging.