And what does really drive me crazy is the arrogance and pomposity in which they enshroud themselves acting as if JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF came down to earth and sent them on this apostolic mission to save PAN TRINBAGO from evil and corruption and share POWER and PROFITS with the PAN MEN.

But when the dust settles and ah consult with meh OBEAH MAN -- he still telling me KEITH DIAZ TIL 2021!!!

Now I spent a whole lot of time on this forum BAD MOUTHING KEITH DIAZ because he is a heartless, greedy thief. I did not need any investigative reporter to tell me that!!! And I am tempted to believe that if given the chance the CIP will steal less. But all they will ever be able to deliver is ANOTHER PANORAMA while they live HIGH OFF THE PAN TRINBAGO HOG.

I challenge ALL FIFTY of them who are planning to run for office to come on this FORUM and offer ONE PROGRAM which could generate FUNDS that could trickle down to the PAN PLAYERS outside of the PANORAMA $1000.

I can hear the flutter of their hearts and I can see the gleam in their eyes as they anticipate PAN TRINBAGO POWER -- but they all lack the political skills and psychological insight to TAKE DOWN KEITH DIAZ.

Sixty percent of the delegates and Victoria Park Suites they will never see!!!

So save me from the manifestos and stump speeches and the false promises to PAN PLAYERS about EQUALITY.

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  • Gregory, we still making yuh President, which one ah the SUV yuh want, Audi or the BMW?

    • good...Claude....say zumting nuh
      • Ah just say zumting nice about you in ah post UP TOP!!!

  • Let me make this quite clear again for the umpteenth time in the public domain. I am neither interested in the trappings nor trinkets of high office at Pan Trinbago nor on any slate for campaigning for such public office. As a citizen of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, I am guided by the laws of the Constitution of the Republic,...and specifically in the case of the allegations of misconduct into the governance of the organisation deeply mired in its contemptuous controversy, I am covered under the Whistle Blowers Protection Act of 2015; and the Constitution of Pan Trinbago Article 13: Discipline of Officers - Sections A,B and C, specifically.

    The charges of misconduct are attached for your ease of reference. Claude Gonsalves, my friend,..please be guided accordingly..Many thanks

    Charges against the executive..docx

  • Ah thought dem fellahs say that they want everybody to express their own opinion?

    Boy ah feeling sorry for dem PAN MEN and dem -- again!!!



  • We Like it So???

  • WST has given all it's members a platform to voice the opinion on any topic, who ever want to debate Mr Gonzales on his views feel free to do so.

    I am not giving a voice to anyone as some may feel and I don't have to wait and see who is responding to a particular post before I contribute, I  am not controlled by any rules and regulations.

    As for Mr Gonzales, he has been on Diaz case since before the last election, he is no Johnny come Lately to what's been happening at Pan Trinbago, as a matter of fact he and a few of us here in the Forum have been keeping the actions of pan Trinbago in the limelight so that all can see what they stand for.

    Again I am not responsible for Mr Gonzales comments, neither am I giving voice to it.        

  • They have to takeout Diaz before the election in 2018, if they can't they are in trouble.

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