Executive tries to replace Diaz as commissioner on NCC board

Executive tries to replace the Diaz as commissioner on NCC board.


By Aquil Arrindell


Bacchanal in the country,

Dictator Diaz bawl like a cow

Somebody try to replace he

They want him out now


It is alleged that the executive met to discuss and appoint a representative of Pan Trinbago (a commissioner) to the N.C.C. board. Against the backdrop that the N.C.C. act did not specifically say that the president of the organisation must be the representative, Pan Trinbago’s executive deliberated and voted for someone as is the custom. Based on reports, through the same democratic process that the president insists the pan movement use to get him out, a vote was taken and d Shepherd was the executive’s choice. In true dictatorship style, the president refused to accept the decision of the executive. The president would now be on the N.C.C. board representing himself and not the organization.


To the executive, the N.C.C. is the enemy, so strategically, using D shepherd in the N.C.C. is a brilliant idea. Now, most of us in the pan movement know that if you are playing dolly house, don’t invite D shepherd to even plait your dolly hair or your game will end up in chaos. Once D shepherd gets into any organization he divides the executive, separates the leader from his key soldiers and when successful, he then undermines the leader’s authority. All in an effort to ascend to the top. The only problem is that people have been able to make him out as the deceitful man he is early in the game and get rid of him. Even now, after two years in his three-year term as an executive officer, the pan fraternity wants him out. Do your own investigation on him and ask the bandleaders he has arranged for throughout the years. Ask why it was dangerous to have him around their bands.


I digress. As I said at the AGM, the members have lost confidence in the president; the government has lost confidence in the president; the public has lost confidence in the president and the executive has lost confidence in the president. What can he do for the pan fraternity in the next year other than draw an under $30,000.00 a month salary. Things are going south rapidly my brothers and sisters. Bandleaders sign the petition and let us get this executive out now.


Document of Concerned Individuals for Pan      

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  • Leaders inspire, in business a managers job is to get things DONE. Time to privatize Pan Trinbago, hire PROFESSIONALS.

    The reality is we are living in the digital age, information can be weaponized just by using a hand-held device by sending a TEXT to your CONTACTS list, an email to your subscribers. Social networks in an unregulated Internet with FAKE news and Ads for targeted groups.

    America is now examining what happened in their last election, the British didn't see Brexit coming.  Everybody going back to the drawing board, schools systems are training kindergarten kids about cyber security, digital citizenship training in the middle schools that includes proper use of the internet, how to share with CARE, being alert, learning how to recognize FAKE, personal privacy and inappropriate behaviors, some of which are now considered crimes punishable with fines and jail time. The is the real world

  • Russell Providence. I know of two persons declared their intention towards running for president and none of them are CIP members. Again CIP is an advocacy group, we will not offer up a slate. We will however, might have members who's intention`s is to run for office. That is their right as a Pantrinbago member. The CIP`s intention is to stay together and keep all executives on their toe. As for now no body needs to be clean to be a member. Once you have a concern about an issue that is pan related you are a Concerned Individual for Pan. Welcome to our group. Lol.
    • Tell Russell to repost the passage because I cannot read it!!! And den all ah we go talk!!!

      • here is the original
        thank you for the king words Russell Providence. hope live up to expectation.
        Is the CIP as clean as they advocate? Can the CIP fill the void that they may potentially create. What percentage of the CIP is useless sterile recycled material? I will not hesitate to warn the steel band fraternity of elements in the CIP whose intentions may be as ignoble as those they are attempting to replace. Elements who have for decades inherently desired to seize the reins of power in the steel band movement solely for furthering their own agenda. Consider the chaos that was created in Iraq, in Libya when dictators were disposed. Can the CIP manage or rule the steel band world fairly, without fear and without favor? History has provided us with many examples where intentions were sold as being in the best interest of the masses, and were unmasked immediately upon assuming power. and diametrically opposite to the values they ascended to power on. It is an accepted fact that there may be a lack of transparency, accountability in the administration and management of national ste
        el band affairs, but I am not so sure that those attributes will be guaranteed by those who now advocate to introduce it into the steel band movement. The movement must be warned that there may be an aggressive power struggle, that will ensue where some of the individuals that are being committed to the frontline will find out sooner than later that they were only sacrificial lambs led to the slaughter by wolves in sheep clothing, who will devour them at the first opportunity. A word to the wise should be sufficient, as I indicated earlier, or on a different topic, I am just a voice crying in the wilderness with no express interest in which way the boat rocks, but an onlooker being entertained by the antics of the circus, its performers and ringleaders.
        • Aquil: This is really intriguing!!! Because for months now I have been BLUFFING (ah eh really bluffing, eh, ah really HAVE IT) about this list I have with all the people lined up who want to take control of PAN TRINBAGO once the COUP is over. People even come on here and ask me to post it!!!

          Now ah next man come and tell you to WATCH YUH BACK because yuh swimming with SHARKS.

          (Look how DONNA BRAZILE stab the whole DEMOCRATIC PARTY in the BACK just to sell some books. And when the DEMS start promoting HISPANICS over AFROS -- people go bawl for murder.)

          Ah doh know where RUSSELL getting all he information from. Ah doh even know if he is ah LOCAL or EXPAT. But the man got my attention because he either ON THE SCENE or got some real GOOD SOURCES. We have to watch the cards fall.

          • It is interesting to note that my original comments have resurfaced. You may note Mr. Gonzales that as I indicated, both commentaries are not far removed from each other, and compliment each other. To you young Aquil, what is obvious, is that you Mr Arrindell have already been misled into believing that those with whom you swim, are only concerned with transparency, accountability and democracy in Pantrinbago, and have no interest in holding, or running for office, which you foolishly or naively stated, and quite likely believe. As a young man you should be warned that this is their attempt to already manipulate you, to use you to speak and write openly on their behalf, while many of these big old sterile, bankrupt, hardback men lurk in the background silently, only waiting to benefit from your fiery advocacy and enthusiasm, while discreetly stifling your growth as a leader within the movement, and jockeying on your little back to promote them and their agendas. It is quite likely that I may have been privy to the initial gathering of this group that calls itself the CIP. Experience would have guided my decision to decline any invitation from those who would have attempted to solicit my involvement, as I am fully aware of some of their modus operandi, selfish, self-serving, dishonest and divisive. For your information Mr Arrindell you may be not be viewed in the high esteem that you suspect you are, and it may be more beneficial to you and the organization you represent to spend more of  your time, effort and fire, developing and marketing your product, as those you now associate with shall not, and have no intention of committing themselves to doing that on your behalf . Mr. Gonzales description was absolutely on point, accurate, on point, concise, you may be swimming with sharks son.

            • Russell, between you and Claude, you are educating me in the many facets of Trinidad politics.  Nothing should be seen at face value!

              • mr. Russell Providence i will be a fool not to take your warning in good faith. i am a baby in pan politic and those who know more than me are welcoming voices of reason. i have heard both locals and expats complain about the operations of pan trinbago. most of whom just complain. To do any task, big or small, three things must happen.

                1 the taught 

                2 the will

                3 the action.

                is it fair to assume 99% of us want better governance in our organization Pan Trinbago ( the World Governing Body for Pan)?

                if so, ask your self, do you have;

                the taught

                the will

                and the action?

                If not. then all the members of the CIP should be commended because they displayed thud far.

                the taught

                the will

                and the action. 

                towards achieving something 99% of us want. 

                our group is far from prefect but there is a certain amount of respect and love you develop for someone who would put all on the line for a cause that we all support.

                yes ppl has different reasons for being in the fight. 

                yes some of them is not clean.

                yes i my self is far from prefect.

                but the answer could never be SEE ABOUT YOUR SELF and forget everybody else. Yes, is the easy way out but, as Dr. Black Stalin say "black man don't get nothing easy".

                We at the CIP not trying to be popular or famous and again, non of CIP members including my self express the willingness to run for presidency. most of us are fighting the fight because it is the RIGHT THING TO DO. 

                i genuingly think you have concerns for me, and for this i am thankful. but these gentlemen believe in me, and appoint me their leader, I can't betray their truths by agreeing that they are sharks.THEY ARE OUR SOLDIERS , fighting our battle, the BATTLES others are afraid to fight. so in my book, not with standing the outcome, they are already heroes.

                CIP say " is only love in the house". 

                Be apart of the solution and not the problem. 

                • Why would people appoint you as their leader in an unofficial capacity, and not lobby and advocate for you to be their leader in an official capacity? Consider the following examples young man.

                  Did the people who appoint Eric William their leader in 1956 to overthrow Albert Gomes not support him to be prime minister?

                  Did the people who appoint Basdeo Panday the leader of club 88 after they broke away from the NAR and ANR Robinson not support him to be prime minister?

                  Did the people who chose Patrick manning as their leader after the NAR demolished the PNM 33-3 in 1986 not support him to lead the country in 1991?

                  Did the people who support Watson Duke in a leadership role in the PSA not appoint him President of The PSA?

                  Did the people who supported Keith Rowley against Patrick Manning not support him to lead the PNM and Trinidad and Tobago?

                  Did Jack Warner and others who supported Kamla Persad Bissesar in her overthrow of Basdeo Panday not support her to be Prime Minister in 2010?

                  Didn't the people who support Fidel Castro in the 1959 revolution against Batista not make him leader of Cuba?

                  Did the people who supported Maurice Bishop in the overthrow of Eric Gairy in 1979 not support him as Prime Minister of Grenada?

                  Your lack of experience obviously prevented you from accurately interpreting my advice to use your voice and fire to look after the needs of your home organization.

                  Why will people appoint you as their leader in an unofficial capacity as an antagonist and not push for you to be leader in an official capacity? That tells me that they have no confidence in your capacity to lead anything, but their experience tells them that you could be easily chained up to make the noise that they are not willing to make. That is why I will say without fear of contradiction that the CIP is all about nothing really but silently, about self and selfishness. What are your valued thoughts young man?.

                  • I loving you more and more brother. But plz excuse me, I have a battle to fight. Thanks again,. Need men like you to keep the CIP focus and driven. Your energy is is fuel for the CIP camp. We intend to make the impossible, possible and make disbelievers into believers. Keep the criticisms comming, Sit back, and enjoy the ride. CIP say love in the house.
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