
  • If I am to go with the panyard version from the night before the final, the music is solid and will stand the test of time. But on the final night itself, they played so fast yet so secure while annoyed,with forced smiles trying their best to hide their pain. I could have seen the true professional quality of the band at its lowest ebb. They ran through their parts like Usain Bolt. It was scary. My God, final night was disastrously embarrassing, a situation I would not even wish on the worst "Skaters" in the pan world. However, embarrassment occurs when people do not listen. Not that I agree with the rule though, which seemed to change, whimsically, to suit the fanciful needs of a select few in organisation.It was a sad pan night for all the large bands. Imagine what Exodus' status would have been like if they were not, as rumoured, deducted 20 points? They would have won with 471points.
  • What do you folks think about Exodus' performance?
    • It was a good performance, very professional, but you can definitely see some were unsettled by what took place before.
      Unlike a lot of people on this forum, I think it was a good Panorama musically (agreed not the best) & I do not believe they beat anyone above them though, (so no, I DONT believe the rumours about 20 points being deducted), only 8 bands in the final, so somebody has to come 6th!
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