Trinidad Guadian
Four-time national Panorama champion Republic Bank Exodus Steel Orchestra is holding firm to its decision not to reattach canopies to its pan racks for its appearances at this year’s national Panorama competition, says general manager and leader Ainsworth Mohammed.
Nine years after the celebrated steel orchestra took the scientifically sound decision to remove the heavy metal roofs (canopies) to perform at the celebrated pan music contest in Carnival, conceptualised and produced by Pan Trinbago, the jury was still out on whether the move was prudent, as the music world waited to see if any conventional bands, particularly those in the category large, would follow suit, stated a release from Exodus.
The objective back then, said Ainsworth Mohammed, was to allow greater clarity in the musical outpouring to be heard not only by the panel of expert music adjudicators, but for the listening pleasure of the wider audience, too.
Some years ago Renegades removed their canopies and it was strongly suggested that this affected their performance, causing them to lose points. I remember Pat Bishop(now deceased) clearly stating that, removal of the canopies allowed dissipation of the sound, so the music was not heard properly.
If there are no valid justifications to retain use if the canopies, except for sun and rain protection, then I would urge the steel orchestra organizations to seriously consider removing them at least for events such as panorama, as I believe is the case for the steel orchestra music festival events. When viewing panorama electronically from abroad, the canopies are a constant unnecessary intrusion which tend to prevent patrons form fully viewing and appreciating thesplendor of so many of Trinbago's performing panists. Please consider removing the canopies for Panorama 2017.
Grafton Spooner, there are factors we have to look at here, like there would be a cost, then where would they put them, I believe for most bands it's just easier to leave them as they are. [just saying]
I believe that is is best for all bands to remove their canopies because it will not only enhance the acoustics but all players will be heard and definitely will be seen. As in an orchestra all players should be seen and not just a focus on individual players in the front line. The rhythm section is just as important if not most important members in an orchestra.
the only use for those canopies will be if the bands were playing on the road as they did 60's-70's; sun hot or for the rain. Maybe they should think about investing in collapsible canopies so if it rains it can stay on if no rain it can easily be removed.( basic colour white)
Bands don't come on the road so there really is no use for the canopies.
Good move ... I was there for the final. It worked. There are also bands that invert their canopies to reflect the sound outwards instead of keeping it within the rack. I don't think those have been tested.