Exploit the Pan Man; No money for players still after 8 months.

Exploit the Pan Man; No money for players still after 8 months.


I will first express empathy with all our pan players' situation and on behalf of the bandleaders, who actually care about their players. Apologies to all the pan players who have yet to receive money owed since 2017. In 2017, pan players were promised $1000 and were then paid $500 with no explanation by the Diaz, Photo, Darren lead executive. In 2018, pan players were promised $500 and reports are coming in that they will be paid not one black cent.


If we throw our memory back, we will admit that the CIP members have been advocating a boycott by players because of the gross disrespect the executive has paid toward their sacrifices. The then executives were all paying themselves huge amounts of money whilst cutting the payment of pannists smaller to maintain their extravagant lifestyles. Despite calls from the CIP to players to boycott, they were influenced by Arrangers, Tuners and Executive members of Pan Trinbago to continue to give of their time and talent toward a successful panorama. They were told that they should not think about money and they should do it for the love. Ironically, by those who, none of whom participate in panorama for the love.


So players forgave the $500 debt of 2017 because they were playing for the love. So now, I cannot see playing for nothing but the love this year is an issue. My past supervisor Mr. Derrick Boocu, explained to a group of us at one time, that you teach people how to treat you. Therefore, I think the lesson as taught by your actions in 2017, is that it is okay for you players to make all the sacrifices for nothing, as the


PT executive members







tent contractors

stage contractors

toilets contractors

porta floors contractors




track stortes




sound engineers





private contractors for security personnel


fire officers

and catering services, financially benefit.  


This detailed list is to enlighten my pan people and to remind you of your passage every night, of the dinner you buy yourself every night at the pan yard, of the missed night rest, of the time you could have been spending with your family, or studying for an exam or working an extra job to earn some extra cash. These are the people benefiting from your sacrifices.


I am not about to waste time fighting for people who do not want anyone to fight for them. So to my brothers and sisters in pan, show me a sign, send me some sort of bat signal so we can fight this great injustice together. If not, do enjoy panorama 2019.


Aquil Arrindell

Still at your Service.


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  • It was too easy for the new Admin. to cut the players remittance.

  • Aquil,

    I understand that Pan Trinbago was run into the ground by the previous administration and that the new one was dealt a bad hand. Your list of people who actually get paid, and therefore benefit financially from the player based event. is quite comprehensive but not complete.

    You need to add the salaries and pensions of various officials in the "cultural industries"(Ministries, Statutory Corporations and NGO's).

    Panorama, or rather the Panorama Players, generate a substantial income for all of these.

    It seems that all the people you listed will be paid from grants and sponsorships, but the actual players , the very source of the music and these financial benefits , will  not. 

    This is wrong.

    Here is a possible solution:

    Use a percentage of the money allocated to all the production , design and nuts and bolt management  of a Panorama side, to pay the players. Considering the  great difference in rates, this would mean a small sacrifice from  the top, in order to actually maintain a functioning Panorama .

    You could also cut back on the Pyrotechnics, the Fancy Lighting, the Over the Top Costumes and other fun things , that tend to turn the performances into to 3D Music Videos, but do nothing for the music and sometimes even distracts from it.

    Good music stands on its own.

    After all, without the players there will be no Panorama.

    And no financial benefits to share.

  • It certainly appears that PAN is an important activity for the local economy, but it disrespects the main ingredient which is the Pan People as a necessary inconvenience to what should be vital for growing the industry.  Quel Dommage!!! 

  • Another expense, 'wink, wink' big money for the truck drivers on carnival days. Claude may give me this figure one day.
  • Aquil: Yuh leave out all dem BOATS transporting STEELBANDS from Tobago to Trinidad. That is plenty money too, yuh know!!!

    • o sh*t, 

      i forgot that whole tobago expense.

      transport for pans and players form tobago to Trinidad.

      then hotels 

      the maids in the hotels.

      drill masters 



      bar owners

      finical advisors 

      events managares 

      seamstresses and tailors

      people who build the stage for players to cross. eat

  • Very well said Aquil.  I am waiting patiently to hear what is the plan this new executive have in place for getting some sort of accountability of the money spent by the previous executive.  What happened to the audit?  Is anyone going before the courts to give us an answer?  Are the cars etc. being sold to retrieve some of the stolen/mis-managed money? Are we contented to allow the previous executive to just walk away like nothing happened? Come on people!

    • Would they use some of the ten percent to pay players or is it party time again? The cars? I believe 2 were turned in. Need to hear from PT on the assets.

      • Two months into this NEW ADMINISTRATION and THE PRESIDENT is yet to give a press conference or issue any kind of report upon the state of affairs of the organization. She dislodged the PRO because the PRO was not BLACK ENOUGH and then she took credit for paying the WINNERS. But as a high-profile commentator said: Is TAX PAYERS MONEY that was owed to them that they get paid with(late) and BEVERLEY acting as if she generate the funding from a BEVERLEY INITIATIVE.

        Nobody eh locking up nobody for TIEFING no 60 million dollars -- unless of course yuh belong to the OTHER PARTY.

        So it look as if THIS TEAM REBUILDING the same old secret ways of the last administration and it is just a matter of time before they too begin to start dey own set ah TIEFING.

        And Mercer, when yuh bringing up a PAN STAR from Trinidad to start making some GLOBAL STEELDRUM MUSIC to attract FOREIGN AUDIENCES? Ah tired waiting on you with all that PAN TALENT down in the MECCA.

  • Players are not organize, maybe they should get the CIP to represent them.

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