Good SUN Day to All -
Over the past few years, I have received my fair share of insults, taunts, and disrespect of my person, mainly over the fact that I joined WST with a specific purpose; namely, to reintroduce my dad's contributions to the steelbands into the conversations, that for over a quarter century, have omitted his name and the personal sacrifices he made in defending the steelbands and their membership of Trinidad and Tobago. Certain members, chose, and still choose to disrespect both myself and my dad's legacy. We claim that the lack of fathers in the home, is the main contributing factor to the crime epidemic in Trinidad and Tobago (and other parts of the World), and yet, rather than embrace great examples of "fatherhood", some choose to mock and ridicule our great male role models - Fathers of the Nation.
As I am about to drop my only son (I have two daughters) to the Amtrak station, as he heads back to college in Orlando, I am reminded of the important roles that fathers play in their children's upbringing. As I hugged my son, and shared a few words of wisdom and encouragement with him, I reminded him of the importance of being connected with his past, as he moves into his future. (Sankofa.)
There are those who posit that the past is "dead and gone"; that the future does not depend on the past, and that there is no need to connect both eras (past and present) with the "now" (present). Granted, they have the right to their views, as does the rest of us. I choose to stay connected with my past, and I honor all those who came before me, and laid the solid foundation on which I now stand. (And, I stand on SOLID ground!)
Over my 52-plus years on this planet, I have had many "fathers" (father figures). From the personality that I grew up knowing as "God";, to my biological father; to the numerous male role models in my life: my maternal grandfather (my other grandfather died before I was born), church ministers, school teachers, college professors, steelband leaders, next-door neighbors, uncles, cousins, and, at times, even my own son and nephews, who are much younger than I am. (Talk about role reversal. lol.)
Indeed, the homes and communities with strong male role models, tend to produce the finest among us, and my dad, George "Sonny" Goddard was no exception to that "rule". Gigi, as he was affectionately known by those he served, was a man of honor, principle, and a set of core values; values that were embedded in the concept of community and service. He sacrificed his own personal ambitions; ignoring what he needed to survive, and choosing to serve the community from whence he came, up to his last breath.
As I continue to receive disrespectful taunts and attempts to discredit my person, I am reminded of the attitudes and opinions that my dad also had to encounter. I guess the more things change, the more they remain the same, for, even 25 years later, there are those who still choose to devalue the service of this National Hero. The questions then remain: Why? Why do some opt to have no other intent but to ridicule both my dad, and (now) myself? What is their father's legacy?
I ask you all to reflect, and if possible, share with this entire WST membership, the contributions that your own fathers made, towards the plights of others, especially those "less fortunate"? What exactly is your dad's legacy; what did he do that positively impacted the lives of others? What vocation did he choose, and who benefited from your dad's works? Of course, it is much easier to rake my dad's name (and now mine) through the mud, however, at the end of your mud-slinging, you are still faced with those questions; questions, that, even if not publicly answered, demand, and eventually extract the truthful answers from the depths of one's conscience (at least, from those who have consciences). You are forced to answer those questions, even if in the covert realms of your minds.
In closing, I challenge each of you, to dig deep into your own consciences, and let that be your guide, as you look at the examples your fathers set for you. Hopefully, the male role models in your life, were instrumental in your development, as you grew into "adulthood". As adults, the examples we set, become the foundations' the building blocks, upon which another generation sets proper footing. I am thankful, that I was blessed and fortunate to have a biological father, like George "Sonny" Goddard, who instilled in his four sons, those core values, as previously mentioned. Hopefully, your dads left the same impressions on your minds as you grew up, and you will pass those values onto another generation. Then, like my dad, people can say, "Yes! He was a great male role model!" So, again, the question remains: WHAT ARE YOUR DAD'S CONTRIBUTIONS AND LEGACY? And, to be clear, not being able to publicly share the answer to that question, says more about your dad, than you may realize. One thing that I do know: Your own consciences are unable to evade those questions, and in secretly answering them, you are forced to deal with your own realities, as to the kind of man your dad truly was. Please share with us, your dad's contributions to civilization. As always, Shem Em Hotep (May you go in peace).
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.
I hear I guess, silence, like action, sometimes also does speak louder than words. Are you willing to shut up, seeing that you are not putting up? Again, use my dad's example as your yardstick, in your honest and silent answers. (And I know that you are answering, even if in silence. I speak to consciences!)
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.
The simplest answer that I can give is that I am my Father's legacy. Through my words and actions, my Father's influence and teachings are revealed.
I feel that for me to provide some form of bio on him would be invasive to his privacy. Not that I am keeping anything from anyone, but rather as we have discussions that involve some pertinence in sharing a story about something my Father did or taught, I would contribute that tidbit or morsel. His story will be revealed through appetizing bits rather than a buffet. Over time, as you hear those stories and follow my posts, you will probably develop an understanding of who my Father is.
Your question / proposal / method is interesting. When I look at my Father, or look at myself in the mirror, I do not see shame. I'm proud of who I am and how I got here. I hope you accept this answer as a gesture of mutual respect… to know that if our paths cross, we would easily look each other in the eye knowing we were fair to each other. We do not agree on everything, but I think we handle our differences very well.
Thanks, Corey. I wasn't looking for confidential info. I would think that anything anyone did in public service, would be "public access records". Even if your dad was a covert operator, I am sure you could post something like, "My dad was a Navy Seal...", without going into sensitive. top secret details. But, judging by your decency and intellect, I can already make an educated guess, as to the kind of dad you have, and the kind of home you grew up in. Keep representin', Corey!
Maybe I just needed some time to process your question, which was a tricky one. It's not about confidential or anything, but figuring out what a person may reveal in their answer to your question.
A little about my Dad:
He spent his career as an educator in some of Canada's poorest communities. Humbly, I've had strangers recall him fondly many years later as a messenger of hope to the youth. And he helped organize several Caribbean cultural organizations back in the 70's and 80's as they established larger communities in our region. He's left a wonderful legacy for his kids and grandkids.
Andrew is my Dad. My Gran's house, where my uncle still lives, is down the other side of the hill in Morvant-Lavantille. My Great-Gramma YehYeh is from Tobago. My cousins, the Holder's and Edward's are beautiful people and gifted musicians and artists. My family pan roots run through Desperadoes.
But I see what you were looking for... I want you to know that I appreciate what you share about the legacy you have left to you, and I return it in kind. It demonstrates a measure of personal integrity. My return gesture lets you know when we talk, I'm comin' straight.
Other people may find their integrity from other motivations, but our families are good places to start relating where a person derives their own sense of integrity. I trust the intentions of many WST members, and not even certain why I do... I just do. I know you shoot straight, Ghost. Amidst the sound of crickets, you probably still recognize some silent acknowledgement from those members you trust who shoot straight.
This is my notice to WST... I shoot straight. I play hard and fight fair. And through this, you all now know a little more of my story. That is a demonstration of my integrity.
Thanks for sharing, Corey. I would love to learn more about Canada's poor community. I admit, I have a stereotyped image of Canada, and have only been to Windsor a couple times (when I lived in Michigan. Anyway, keep shooting straight, and straight for the stars. You have something to offer this World, and I hope you do not take as long as I did, in figuring it out. As I say, In the Principles of Ma'at (there are seven). Have a safe, blessed day. Ghost.
George, take your discussion also on facebook and spread your message.....also do not stick on March 7, 2014 date at Starlift Panyard, let social media work for you, keep us inform on WST & FB
Thanks, Gavin. Will do. Here is the link to my Facebook group; quite a cross-section of attendees already. I have a few more surprises...Stay tuned. Thanks again, bro. Blessed Sun Day to you and yours...