PAN TRINBAGO get ah little taste (35,000 TT) of the EXPAT MONEY this year with a PAY PER VIEW by WACK. So they going all in for PANORAMA 2020 with PAY PER VIEW looking to bring in a windfall. I could stand by THE PLAN but they need to deliver a QUALITY PRODUCT for knowledgeable PAN PEOPLE like bugs and odw and glenroy. Personally, all PAN does sound the same to me (NOISY -- especially with 140 players on stage this year) and since DUVONE done win already and I don't like how he does UN-CALYPSO his CALYPSO arrangements. So I does just enjoy the ole talk surrounding the performances and that good enough for me.
But getting down to the subject of the morning, BEVERLEY and PAN TRINBAGO should really join the PAN SYNTHESIZER RACE and develop a PAN TONE which could appeal to GLOBAL AUDIENCES. They need to set up or get hooked up with a STUDIO and have a couple PAN PLAYERS experiment with this TECHNOLOGY to find the RIGHT PAN TONE. And once that is accomplished they could really start PRODUCING SOME GLOBAL "PAN" MUSIC and bringing in MONEY FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD outside of the PANORAMA (MENTALITY).
TECHNOLOGY and PAN WILL MOVE TOGETHER HAND IN HAND -- so we have to wake up and join THE RACE!!!
Cecil: Yuh see who leading in the PAN TECHNOLOGY. And the man say that PAN is now an INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTED (and growing) INSTRUMENT!!!
Therefore, from his TECHNICAL PERSPECTIVE, it deserves research, recognition and development in the SYNTH WORLD -- well he didn't exactly put it that way ... but that was the essence of his message to a man like me who has been following and dreaming about this aspect of PAN EVOLUTION for DECADES BEFORE!!!.
But YOUR PEOPLE eh want NO PART OF THAT. And in two years when ONE AH DEM FELLAHS find the RIGHT PAN TONE and the RIGHT COMPOSITION and they make a GLOBAL HIT -- everybody go be cussing dem out like dey CUSS OUT ANDY NARELL for TIEFING THE PAN.
TALK TO YOUR PEOPLE and see if you could OPEN DEY EYE!!!