This will be announced at Post Cabinet briefing today.
The Budget for Carnival 2018 is 171 Million TTD.....
PanTrinbago's allocation is 20.5 Million TTD.....
This coming out of a communiqué from Chairman of NCC to President of PanTrinbago, read out the convening of the last two days of the Panorama Management Committee meetings held the last two days at HQ..
The letter was read out by the President to the meeting, comprising of the four regional chairmen, along with their respective secretaries, and treasurers; and the four horsemen of Central Executive..yesterday!
The President is planning to meet with NCC Chairman tomorrow to discussion options, as of this posting towards the drawdown of monies to prepare assistance and appearance cheques without holding any official meeting to discuss with the general membership.
Commissioner Ainsworth Mohammed has resigned as Commissioner (Deputy Chairman) of the NCC as of last week.
Gregory represented the CIP well, both he and Aquil were on the front line dealing with Claude for months and that's no easy feat. News on the ground is, they had to remove the Fat Lady vocal chord so she won't be singing. Lets use this time to get into the spirit of the season, bring out the "babash"
Ha. As you say that, the first my uncle's give punchin to drink , I playing big man, take the bottle put it ot my head and gulp, ( much like the same attitude I am presently taking with PT) . Could not used my voice for three weeks. So Mr. Cecil plan just might work. Lol. Why Mr. Claude done give us brilliant plans like that?
Gregory: You and me still real cool. Yuh is meh best and most respectable pardner on this forum. But when it come to POLITICS you should hire me and RUSSELL PROVIDENCE to explain some fundamentals to you. An doh know where RUSSELL does get all his information from, but the man is TUNED IN.
As you know I rely heavily on my infallible CRUSTAL BALL; but human sources and conversations still have a more natural feel to it. That is one of the downsides of living in foreign.
So where do we go from here? Don't quit the forum please we enjoy your input so much.
Tell us the AINSWORTH MOHAMMED story, nah!!!
The recent Judgement handed down by the High Court in favour of Keith Diaz of Pan Trinbago (PT) against the National Carnival Commission (NCC) and the Government tells a story which the public should be made aware of. I relate a version of an author whose copyright permission I have such hereunder;.
'Pan Trinbago (PT) and the National Carnival Commission (NCC) are creatures of the State (i.e. Cabinet) in that they both came into being by Statute brought to Parliament by the Cabinet of the Government of the day.
PT’s recognition by NCC - and by extension Cabinet, comes from it being seen by both as being the body that is representative of Steelbands of T&T. The membership of PT is kept secret by the current Executive but a rough estimate would put it at around 170 Steelbands.
The Board of the NCC is appointed by Cabinet and reports the Minister with responsibility for Culture and by extension Cabinet.
The Court Matter was brought by PT against the NCC for monies owed. Both the NCC and PT were represented by Senior Counsels and several other supporting Attorneys. Of course the NCC had as its Attorney the omnipresent and the supposed “ex colleague” of Stuart Young……one Douglas Mendes.
The absurdity in this whole affair are summarised as follows:
The sum owed to PT by the NCC will turn out to be less than the 3m dollars being claimed by PT…..because of deductibles owed to NCC by PT. Because of this we may well find out that the sums paid in legal fees – which NCC and by extension the people of T&T will have to pay, may approximate the sum which the NCC may have to end up paying PT. The people of T&T will of course have to foot the bill for all the legal fees in this Matter. It would not be unreasonable to assume that Douglas Mendes advised Stuart Young that the State had a winnable case.
The PT for all intents and purposes is an insolvent organisation that has been propped up by the State for reasons we the public can only speculate about. It also operates under a cloud of suspicion that has most of its members disgruntled to the extent that it is proving impossible for the Executive to conduct a proper AGM.
The State withheld money due to PT…and this could have been justified if it had a proper due diligence done of the organisation including commissioning an independent audit of the organisation and its subsidiaries, ensuring that it is operating in accordance with its bye laws particularly with regard to support from its membership, etc. This lack of due diligence and unpreparedness by the State resulted in an organisation - that we all know to be operating for many years under a cloud of suspicion, being able to triumph over its “enabler” the Cabinet of T&T (i.e. the State) in the Court Matter. And it is a Matter that the Cabinet should not only have won but should have dealt with before it reached the Court….and the membership of PT would gladly have assisted. But as Deep Throat used to say “follow the money” and all else will be revealed….and the profit accrued to the Attorneys and the loss to the citizens of T&T.
This entire absurdity took place because of corruption and incompetence on the part of those in Cabinet and this has allowed enabled and facilitated the same in PT. It is of course the same for every area of the nation’s affairs that is managed by Cabinet.
The decision of the Court has not addressed the problems inherent to the dysfunctional relationships existing in Law between/among PT, the NCC and Cabinet that is being managed by the latter…but it will render Keith Diaz and his Executive untouchable for some time. They of course will extend the usual “freeness” to members of the Cabinet so they can be entertained by the fading rhythms of disgruntled, ragged and abused steelband men – while in unseen places others will be dividing up the spoils."
Gregory, Thanks for the clarification.
"but it will render Keith Diaz and his Executive untouchable for some time."
Gregory: Yuh bringing SAND to the SEA!!! Read the sentence I cut out above and tell me if I have not been saying this for years now: KEITH DIAZ TIL 2020.
Have it your way,.brother... happy holidays
Gregory: I does read plenty news every morning -- and this EH NO NEWS.
Tell me if ah missing something!!!
Keith Diaz is getting 20.5 million to run the PANORAMA and collect the GATE RECEIPTS!
Keith Diaz will be paying PAN MEN LESS so the CUT BACK may not mean that much (is almost and if he and Dolly playing a game with the numbers).
THE CIP will still be standing on the sidelines with their noses pressed up against the window pane (that could even be "window pain") watching the show.
On Ash Wednesday Doctor Dolly will declare a "SUCCESSFUL CARNIVAL" and Keith Diaz would have found a way to put another 2 million in his pocket off the PANORAMA PRODUCTION.
Then we slog through the year bad talking him on this forum.
And then he wins the election in October 2018. Or if the weather eh looking too bright for him he postpones the election on some fallacious grounds and keeps power until 2020.
All this time there is NO PROGRESS for PAN; they still extending a BEGGING HAND. While PAN in America is becoming more and more highly organized reaching the STARS with more and more TALENTED MUSICIANS playing and exploiting the PAN. Please note that I said MUSICIANS playing the PAN and not PAN MEN playing the PAN.
So what exactly is the BIG NEWS today, Mr. Gregory? THE CIP is so politically OUT CLASSED ah feel ah watching kindergarten children trying to box with a BIG ROLLY POLLY and they cannot even reach the man knee.
YOU and AQUIL really build up my hopes and wasted my time!!!
pal, i tell i have big news for you? let me reminding you again gregory, aquil and CIP's views are not all the same. i to waiting like you for that big news all week.