Pan players in Trinidad and Tobago are supposedly trying to emerge from under one corrupt and dismissive administration, with the “interim” committee if it ever even becomes a reality, set to be functioning under the administration/oversight of the National Carnival Commission, chaired by Kenneth De Silva. Pan Players would be advised to tread very, very, carefully, as Kenneth De Silva is demonstrating himself to be quite ‘glib’ of tongue.
In that interview aired on Trinidad TV that WST put up between him and Ria Roopchand De Silva is asked about the ‘bounced checks’ given to Pan players to cash, some of who were very humiliated at the banks and could not do so when they presented those checks. With a straight face, Kenneth De Silva said “Well I can’t verify that, it was in the public domain that people presented checks and they were not honored but I have no…evidence of that; it’s not an experience I could talk about with any sense of authority.” Wow. Different mouth, same shit.
This --- coming from Mr. De Silva who had said less than two minutes earlier that “….all financial aspects will be handled by the National Carnival Commission. Payment of prize money, and ANYTHING pertaining to money, will be handled by the National Carnival Commission.” It would seem with that crucial responsibility, Mr. De Silva would have had enough respect for pan people, to become familiar with something publicly reported that represented the VERY nature of why things are where they are at today: financial misdeeds/corruption even though those checks are not NCC's responsibility at this point.
At best his distancing himself from knowing for sure about a matter of financial impropriety (bounced checks) relative to Pan Trinbago that is not only public knowledge and easily verifiable, coupled with the fact that HE as NCC chairman is now in charge of the purse strings of Pan Trinbago, is a red flag. Pan people should also keep in mind that the same president of Pan Trinbago Keith Diaz was himself one of the NCC Commissioners, chaired by Kenneth De Silva before this mess. So it means that De Silva was quite comfortable with Diaz at a point.
Be careful of this man. He appeared quite sure that Panorama 2017 will be taking place, despite the upheaval that is now underway even while Pan players are still hopping mad and unpaid for 2016 and the first competition was supposed to start two days from now. Go figure.
Seems as if Pan players could be in for more of being taken-for-granted, and presumably Trinidad & Tobago Minister of Culture Nyan Gadsby-Dolly is aware of Kenneth De Silva’s easy ability to utter personal disclaimers regarding finances. Not cool. De Silva himself totally disrespected the pan players with that response. The stench continues…
makeitplain It is indeed interesting how he has always been around while these gangstas are having so much fun. What would have happened if Minister Dolly was not around? Talk about things that make you go hmmmmmm...
ChalkDust Trini Does Lie...