Marine Le Pen: Deadline passes for National Front leader to repay EU funds
A European Parliament deadline for France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen to return more than 300,000 euros(£257,000; $321,000) it says she has misspent, has passed.
It happens all over the world. But it does not make it right.
But Mr. Gittens: I want to know how you could pass a law in 2017 and then come and tell Mr. Diaz and Mr. Forteau and Mr. Joseph and me that they have been breaking that law from 2009 to 2016.
The new Clause was made "retroactive". Once that word is sounded in the Clause it as a though it was there from the beginning. The Law can cheat the system and this is why people try to cheat system. and the Law. Man tries to cheat man in other words. Its possible. Its called the survival of the fittest.
Marine Le Pen: Deadline passes for National Front leader to repay EU funds
A European Parliament deadline for France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen to return more than 300,000 euros(£257,000; $321,000) it says she has misspent, has passed.
It happens all over the world. But it does not make it right.
Thou shall not steal!
Mi Amigo ; Forteau needs TOO straighten himself out, before he can judge others...
and the big circus continues
dont stop d carnival
time for some awards
But Mr. Gittens: I want to know how you could pass a law in 2017 and then come and tell Mr. Diaz and Mr. Forteau and Mr. Joseph and me that they have been breaking that law from 2009 to 2016.
Please explain that to me!
The new Clause was made "retroactive". Once that word is sounded in the Clause it as a though it was there from the beginning. The Law can cheat the system and this is why people try to cheat system. and the Law. Man tries to cheat man in other words. Its possible. Its called the survival of the fittest.
Steve; it's as though U can see the forrest 4 the trees...
Short Pants - The Law Is An Ass
Misappropriation of public funds is illegal since time began. In 2009 tru 2017.
Dat fella dont even understand what is the meaning of misappropriation of funds! Dem Jokie eh?