Is WST a "free for all" where anyone can say anything to anybody without consequence? As a senior no one had to tell me what is required of me, I knew that there is a unwritten code of conduct I must follow, we all know this yet sometimes things get out-ah -hand. When this happens it shuts down everything and I am sure it makes other members scared of posting or getting involve in discussions. If we are trying to promote this as a credible and respectable site we have to keep it positive and be civil and respectable one to the other. Just saying............
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Yes, Cecil!!!
WST is a FREE FOR ALL where anyone can say anything to anybody WITHOUT consequence.
Ah hope all that NEW TECHNOLOGY Beverly and the VISIONARIES promising everybody work out.
I will fight to make sure that they keep it clean!!!
Claude: if someone is in the gutter we have to let them know and not swim in the shit with them.
Well, The GHOST started all the cursing and then he encouraged Brian to continue the cursing, So I think that the GHOST should be held accountable for ALL THE CURSING!!!
WOOF WOOF GRRRR. BOWWOW GRRRRR! Go away Noddy! before yuh geh BITE! GRRR!
Speaking of "Free For All"...
As the government does, so does the "world governing body..." that was "incorporated by an Act or Parliament" by the government. What is it with the Trinidad and Tobago "leaders" and their obsessions with "fine cars"? Robbing country and culture, but the Black youth in Beetham is the image of a "criminal". I guess it depends on the "colour" of the crime; white colour/collar is acceptable. Lying is acceptable; name-calling, especially to a liar...unacceptable! smh. One of the problems with people, is that they get offended for things that do not really impact their daily lives in any negative way, and are okay with things that do. They can speak out against (what they consider "cussing", but are appallingly silent when it comes to liars and thieves. Both in the country's government, and in the steelbands' pseudo-government. (Glad I'm not in Trinidad; I'd be really "cussing" by now. Bunch of CROOKS! In Lan' an' in Pan.)
BTW - If I was to see SIDD, "face-to-face", he would know what "cussing" is really like. I know I cannot "cuss" on the internet, but I can still refer to him as a "scum bucket".
Yeah; it's like verbal mixed-martial arts! lol. "Free" for MOST; the "likable", who can spew any kind of racist, lying, deceitful, envious garbage they choose. I'm trying to tell you, you are messing with the wrong "Negro".
Ghost Who Is More Malcolm X Than MLK, (When it comes to how you handle your self-appointed enemies. I didn't choose this. He did.)
Well since I now know who Sidd is and the "Ghost" who's real name is George what else is new on these two characters. I have an idea, and I do hope it would work for both of them. Why not sign an agreement to enter Madison's Square Garden, get into the ring and who ever is still standing after the last bell rings is the winner. The one who hits the canvas should never get up again that should be the end of this discussion....clap! clap! clap!
That is the problem with Trinidadians; EVERYTHING is a joke. Look, the "joke" ended when people started defaming my character, and bringing my family into WST discussions with lies. It is MY reputation on the line. Why Madison Square Garden? I'll fly down to Trini, meet his old, sorry butt in Diego, take care of business, and be back in Miami for the next Heat game. FYI - I ONLY become violent, when I'm met with violence. I guess, in that way, I am "Americanized"; I hold BOTH olive branches AND arrows. So, yes, Bertel is right; like the Dark Knight of the "After-world", if I met this jihn, I would kick him into the other extreme dimension...the AFTER-AFTER-WORLD! lol. Why not suggest that Steve "Sidd" Taylor address my comments, and not my person or my family? Then this "fight" will end before I have to kick him into the "after-after-world". I did not bring this fight to this agent of chaos and deception, and I WILL NOT back down from him in ANY fight, verbal or otherwise!!! So, while this my be funny to some of you, it is NOT funny to me! I will handle ANYONE who drags MY NAME through the mud, in ANY legal way I see fit. I have the legal right to defend both my name and my person. Again, call me whatever name you choose; I've been called MANY things by the snake and others on WST, but when you lie on me to discredit my character, I PROMISE, I will have NO respect NOR mercy in dealing with you!
As for attempting to place us in the same context; NOTHING about Steve "Sidd" Taylor and I (George D. Goddard) are alike. THE ONLY THING WE HAVE IN COMMON IS OUR HEATED BATTLE! PERIOD!!! NONE of you know me, and I am not sure you know who he is. I DO NOT KNOW HIM! As such, I DO NOT say ANYTHING about who he is. What I do is state what I think about him, and that is MY RIGHT! I DO NOT have the right to make false statements about him, and that is one of the differences between us. As to the topics, when I make a claim that something is a FACT, I ALWAYS provide the primary sources! I am amazed that this WST membership cannot distinguish between FACT and OPINION. Sidd makes claims without providing ANY proof, and you all DARE compare me to that RETARD? I am SO disappointed with (my) Trinidadian people; we are SUCH a hypocritical bunch of clannish people. It is ALL about the person. My grandfather always said that "simple minds discuss people, medium minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas". I have, TO DATE, presented some of the MOST REVOLUTIONARY AND COMPREHENSIVE IDEAS EVER on When Steel Talks. And MANY sit in SILENCE, knowing that as a FACT! For example, the "Blueprint" is the ONLY "idea" that says it is time to end ALL discrimination! This lying agent tries to project his racist attitudes, however, I am the ONLY person on When Steel Talks to share INSIDE information with (what I once considered was) my "WST family". I realize now, that like in the steelbands, WST is FULL of CUT-THROATS, HATERS, USERS, MISCHIEVOUS IMPS, STATUS-CLIMBERS, and INTENTIONAL MANIPULATORS OF STEELBAND HISTORY.
Another difference: he is ALL about MONEY$MONEY$MONEY$$$. Yet, he claims to represent "God"? Which "god" is all about MONEY$MONEY$MONEY$$$? The one "upstairs", or the one "downstairs"? (Maybe, the Church teaches something different to when I was growing up.) I am about service to people. I am about human rights, and equality. I dispel the model that creates super-wealth for the few, and crippling poverty for the many. ANY system or "idea" that promotes that concept is not representative of ANY "God" I would choose to believe in. I dispel corporate greed, unlike my self-appointed nemesis. I stand of the side of the labourer/worker, regardless of what they produce; as long as resources are being marketed and sold, and money is being made, then, those at the bottom MUST be wary of the potential for exploitation.
I'll point out one more difference between myself and this envious hater; HE ENVIES ME! I DO NOT ENVY HIM! He hates the FACT that I am more relevant, resourceful, and articulate. Let me be clear; when I stated that I was disappointed that this WST membership would consider his words as being more credible than mine, I meant it in a PURELY SCHOLARLY SENSE. Personally, I DO NOT give a "rat's ass", what (or whom) any of you chooses to take as being credible, but as a collective who claims that we (all) have pan's best interests at heart, it is disappointing to see the method used in vetting process. Rather than take the intellectual approach, many prefer the emotional approach; if you are "likable" (or present a persona of likability) then your words are considered credible. If you have "celebrity" status, then you become a "pan god"; capable of intellectualism, regardless of your "intellectual level". Resumes DO NOT matter. References DO NOT matter. Great ideas DO NOT matter. And, of course, the "mob mentality" is another pathos of our society, where studies have shown that even people walking by, jump in and join the "majority" - the mob. So, I have been lynched on WST before, and I expect the lynch mobs to continue attacking from any and all fronts. Just DO NOT run off crying like a wounded duck, when this GHOST starts fighting back. You see, unlike those you can scare into submission, the Goddard blood runs through my veins, and like the fierce fighter my dad was against the lynch mobs of his day, you ALL will come to realize that I WILL CONTINUE TO DEFEND MY CULTURE! (Hopefully, one day, you will ALL have that commitment to that which was given to us by our fore-parents.)
BTW - Bertel, in my "hood", when you hear the sound of "CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!", you'd better "hit da deck"! (I wish that was a joke.)
Ghost Who Is In NO Form Or Fashion Comparable To Sidd! NONE!!! (Well maybe one, we both have a lot to say; but that's about where it ends.)
Don your suggestion is a waste of time! These two will fight in the after world! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!
I guess you are right Bertel, I was just trying to cool things down, and you know what I believe? they really LOVE EACH OTHER look how much attention they are getting. Only one CLAP this time (smile) and thanks for your reply.