"Most band leaders seem to be irritably comfortable with the affable personality of the protagonist, and have no problem allowing this disrespect and open act of dishonesty to slide in defense of a rapidly approaching TENTATIVE PANORAMA season, their raison d'etre, and primary source of income. On condition of anonymity, many have expressed fear of victimization for speaking out, recapitulating at the expense of the progressive academic development of their youth, the lifeblood of the fraternity, and the backbone of the majority of steelbands."
I never thought that I would live to see the day when ah woman will come all the way from TOBAGO and take control of the PAN MOVEMENT and openly cheat lifelong STEELBAND LEADERS of an opportunity to even apply for a SCHOLARSHIP for a BAND MEMBER -- and dem STEELBAND LEADERS will STAND DEY GRIND as if they are LITTLE BEGGARS who never contributed NOTHING TO PAN.
GREGORY LINDSAY: We need you to start a NEXT REVOLUTION!!!
Unless you and CECIL HINKSON just sell out ALLYUH BROTHERS IN PAN and gone kissing up to THIS CARPETBAGGER!!!