Garcia plans to push steelpan in all schools

Trinidad Guardian

Education Minister, Anthony Garcia stands proudly next to members of the St Margaret's Anglican Boys Primary School, as they played a pan rendition at yesterday's launch of the National Schools Panorama 2019 at the Queen's Park Savannah.

Rhondor DowlaT

The Pan in School project will be ex­tend­ed to all pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary schools, Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter An­tho­ny Gar­cia an­nounced yes­ter­day dur­ing his brief ad­dress at the launch of the 44th Na­tion­al Schools Panora­ma 2019 at the Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah in Port-of-Spain.

Gar­cia said there are few­er dis­ci­pline prob­lems with stu­dents at schools in­volved in the min­istry’s Mul­ti-Cul­tur­al Mu­sic Pro­gramme Unit (MM­PU).

“I heard men­tion made about the Mor­vant/Laven­tille project and that project is a shin­ing ex­am­ple of what mu­sic can do for our stu­dents and pan con­tin­ues to do quite a big deal for our stu­dents and for the peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go,” he said.

The min­is­ter said he will be ex­tend­ing the pan project to all 455 pri­ma­ry schools and 125 sec­ondary schools be­fore he leaves of­fice. He ex­pressed the view that pan in schools is part and par­cel of build­ing con­fi­dence in stu­dents.

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  • From Patrick's reply, it's clear that they won't be going by him for ideas on how to use their brains, skills and youthful energies to carve out a living for themselves. Thanks for the intervention Claude.

  • Well America heading to 900 schools (established -- not in the pipeline or 2020 campaign manifesto) so TRINIDAD will still be in SECOND PLACE.

    And where all dem TUNERS coming from to TUNE DEM PANS. Like allyuh never read all the stories about how PAN TRINBAGO and KEITH DIAZ and FORTEAU turn the PANS IN SCHOOL PROGRAM into JUST ANOTHER RACKET.

    TWENTY DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFULS for 2020 and Trinidad elections scheduled for the same 2020 -- like allyuh want meh to blow ah mental fuse!!!

  • Hopefully, the Minister can translate talk into action. A well funded and managed program of pan/ music literacy in All schools will help keep TT  in the forefront  of international pan culture, which at present is at risk. Long term benefits will accrue to tuners, professional players, music teachers, pan standardization, tourism, accessory manufacturers and so on. 

    Bring it on Mr. Minister..... You know the story...... Money talks and etc etc.

    • Lawford Dupres suppose the minister bring it on, tell me what jobs these students are they going to get, if they are successful in the programs,  to buy a house, pension,  and live a wonderful life. He getting permanent international visas for them too?

      • Patrick: You refused to VOTE for Mr. Lawford Dupres and now you are trying to pick the man's brains so that your candidate could get some progressive ideas -- POLITICS DOH WORK LIKE THAT!!!

        • Claude yuh good.

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