Jason Carter, better known as GBM Nutron, began hitting the stage, singing calypso, when he was seven years old and in primary school. After migrating to the United States he lost touch with the music, but was reintroduced to his love of soca at the age of 16 - and there’s been no stopping him ever since. He’s close to his family, and cites them as his biggest supporters and influence on his journey thus far. However, he does admit that he loves the classic greats like Calypso Rose, Kitchener and Lord Nelson - whilst also maintaining a great appreciation for the music of the younger artists such as Voice and Sekon Sta.
For 2017, Carter will be releasing his first album, Calypso: The Unsung Legacy, comprising 17 songs. According to the artist, he’s finished recording the album and the team is just working on the finishing touches. His favourite song from the collection is Calypso, because it’s the most unrefined and raw; it was inspired by his journey and experiences. Another song to look out for is Bacchanal, which has a very distinct sound infused with the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago (the steel pan); Rock you Right has already been released.
When asked more specifically about his music the artist becomes excited and animated, because he clearly loves the creative process and working with his team. Most of the songs are written collaboratively with them, and even his wife gets involved.
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