I seldom visit this forum any more, so I do not know if you all are aware that Cary Codrington is ailing, they have organised a concert and I am posting the flyer here. Your actions will demonstrate weather or not you think that Cary Codrington, the head of the Codrington pan family is worthy of your assistance. Actions speak louder than words.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0ZvBQzMaVk
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What ever i can do to help
Maybe I can help you MCJ,
Cary Codrington.
90 Tunapuna Rd.
Thanks Cecil. I'll use this address for now. However, beyond this episode when will the powers-that-be consider suggestion/recommendation such as Claude's? There should be a sustainable solution in place for the future support of our talented nationals facing hardship at critical moments in their lives.
Thanks again Cecil,
BTW Casper, welcome back and thanks for your notice regarding Cary Codrington's ailment. I hope he recovers from his condition. I've never met him and I would like to show my support for his well being, but I'm not sure how to do this from where I'm located in Canada. Any good practical suggestion would be welcomed since most expats cannot attend the concert and will not just send $$$ into a black hole. Is there a bona fide/reliable system in place that guarantee any financial support will arrive at the intended destination with accountability. If this system does not yet exist, then some well-managed global registered charity need to be developed for future consideration, otherwise we can only give "lip service" such as prayer, expression such as "get well soon Cary" etc.
Respects Bro,
MC: Very early in this posting I hinted at such an idea. A simple and inexpensive way to get money into Trinidad for causes like this. You just expanded on it: If this system does not yet exist, then some well-managed global registered charity need to be developed for future consideration.
Over the years I have made many contributions to the GUARDIAN NEEDIEST CASES FUND. I will send them an email and see if I can get any ideas for a starting point from them. But it is really hard to establish any kind of communications with the LOCALS -- I don't no why!!! Try to have the simplest administrative communication with anybody in Trinidad (educated or uneducated) and you hit a BRICK WALL.
All these systems should have been and could have been in place as long as we have been on this forum. Is true EXPATS doh like to GIVE (except for a rare few). But that is another story!!!
I remember Claude.
MC: Keep us abreast of how you are coming on the 12 KEYS assignment. If you are mastering it, that's fine. But if you are starting to have some problems I could give you some TIPS on how to intellectualize the whole process allowing the theory to simplify the practice -- and there is A LOT OF PRACTICE involved.
Hey Claude, I did the assignment but I have't recorded it yet. Last night I was very sick and will record it as soon as I feel better.
Why make it sound so complicated, just make a phone call to your T&T Embassy and get the info you need. This is why they have foreign service personnel assigned to the embassies, it's their job to provide info to those seeking information on points of contact in their home country or help you find the person who has the authority to deliver results.
Crazy - They Don't Like The Government
JJJ: Ah think ah going and leave this forum, pardnah!!! I love the music and ting but my CALLING right now is to let the world know about the HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES (racial murders) that are taking place in Trinidad right now. So ah going and set up meh own web site to expose the NATURE OF CRIME in T&T and bring the world's attention to that.
That was the plan I had for THE MUSIC. But after I read about the events of the last few days in TRINIDAD ah have to FIGHT FOR MY CAUSE.
Here is my email address musicfromthetropics@yahoo.com and don't say you did not see it because I gave it to you before!!!