Corruption by the above the law, then Prime Minister Patrick Manning and his regime, Brian Copeland, Clement Imbert, Junia Regrello, with the T&T Government as assignee, ows "Pan man" 7.5 billion tt dollars,, via a criminal conspiracy willfull/deliberate infringment, of their/SNSE 4ths & 5ths technology also called the cycle of 5ths or the spiderweb, a law suit claim the regime lost, when they failed to file a defense by March 6th 2014, a High Court proceedure a rule of law, but instead, filed FORM 3A: APPLICATION TO PAY BY INSTALLMENTS (Rule 8.15 (1) ( c ) on April 4 2014, because they cannot afford to pay the whole amount in one lump sum, a clear addmission of guilt, then proceeded to have said claim dismissed, implying that the claim is frivolous and vexatious, and it should be dismissed, by their Judge Justice Ronnie Boodoosing, playing politricks with the WRONG bunch of niggers, U mess with our shit, u pay the ULTIMATE PRICE in full, we actually caught these ppl fleecing the countries treasury of over 1/2 billion tt dollars and counting, using our PAN, the big tenor Copeland called his G-pan,.In 2000 Patrick Manning gave a mandate/order to Copeland, Imbert and Regrello, to research and create a new family of pans, but it must be in the 4ths & 5ths modelor the spiderweb and it must be patented, how in the hell could anyone get $34.5 million US dollars, to research and create an item already research and created by someone else, this technology had already been research and created in 1949 by Anthony Williams, and Design Patented where Copyright is AUTOMATIC, on 18th September 1963 by SNSE for and in the nameof Anthony Williams, this regime thinks that we pan men are dumb, and they areabove the law, well, it won't work, CH more to come later as theT&T Government OWS PAN MEN 7.5billion tt dollars...
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JJJ ah listening to yuh but I know Government aint paying out any money
Juanito: With 7.5 billion Cecil Hinkson could have EVERY STEELBAND in TRINIDAD on the road for Jour Ouvert and afford to pay PAN PUSHERS. But the Chief of Police just say that the POLICE CANNOT STOP ALL THE MURDERS -- they give up but dey still keeping their jobs and collecting their pay. So I eh coming down to jump up in that 7.5 billion Jour Ouvert Jump Up at all because ah done document how they targeting and killing EXPATS down in Trinidad. Then again, if TRUMP WIN ah sure to get deported back to Mexico and when the Mexicans find out ah not from Mexico then dey sure to deport me back to Trinidad. Between Muslim Terrorists and dem Eastern Corridor Trinidad Killers no place eh safe to rest your head no more.
When Rowley paying out that 7,500,000,000?????