I bring greetings to all members of the When Steel Talks Family.
Firstly, let me thank you for your comments and endorsement Re my campaign for president of PanTrinbago.
I am extremely pleased and very happy that most of you have expressed confidence in my capacity to lead a team of visionaries to pull PanTrinbago up by its bootstraps and take it to heights of excellence.
Over the past three years we have experienced a leadership riddled with broken promises, we have witnessed a leadership with a total lack of accountability and transparency and we have observed a leadership that has eradicated the trust and respect of its membership and worldwide community.
Therefore when the question was asked “who shall stand in the gap for the steel band community?” the servant leaders of the New Visionaries team answered” We Will”.
We are a team of experienced, proven and dedicated leaders in the steel band industry. We believe that honest and trust worthy leadership leads to progress and development.
PanTrinbago deserves better, PanTrinbago deserves more.
I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
Power Stars Steel Orchestra
114 Western Main Road
St. James,
Trinidad & Tobago
West Indies
November 22, 2012
Mr. Richard Forteau
Secretary – Central Executive
Room 1D, First Floor, Victoria Suites
14-17 Park St, Port-of-Spain
Dear Sir,
Further to my letter of October 19, 2012, I wish to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of my orchestra’s Panorama 2012 Net Appearance disbursement of $2970.00 TTD on the morning of the disbursement of Annual Reports of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Sunday October 28, 2012 at the Capital Plaza. I also acknowledge with many thanks your notice (ref. RF/hsj) of November 7, 2012 in which you gave notice of the Triennial Regional Meeting of the Northern Region of Pan Trinbago T.C Inc to be held on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at the Communications Workers Union Hall, 146 Henry Street, Port-of Spain from the 5:00 p.m., for the following purposes:
According to the Constitution of Pan Trinbago Inc. reference is made to Article 10:1– Elections–which states, “Officers of the Association shall be selected by means of the electoral process which shall be held at two (2) levels:-a. The Central Executive Committee which shall be elected at the triennial Special Convention;
b. The Regional Executive Committee which shall be elected one (1) month after the Special Convention”.
And also according to the Constitution of Pan Trinbago Inc reference is made to Article 13:Offences Part A - 1,2, 4, 5 & 7 which states, “A: OFFENCES
Under my jurisdiction as a certified delegate of a bonafide member steelband of Pan Trinbago T.C Inc, and with the unanimous approval of my orchestra’s Board of Management as the Chairman/Manager, I am conveying to you through this official letter of complaint, formally lodging my orchestra’s strenuous objections with the trend of actions of the Secretary of the Association; in that (1) while in his acknowledged circular of November 7, 2012 and August 24, 2012 (ref. RF/hsj) as posted in the Annual Reports of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Sunday October 28, 2012 at the Capital Plaza summarizes the execution of the event, managed and chaired under the pretext of the same circular of August 24, 2012 before the matter became sub judice thru High Court Order that placed all of the organization's electoral processes have been put on hold pending the judgment of the High Court on predetermined date of December 03, 2012; and in that (2.) the manner in which these notices from your office seen attached are being circularized within this misguided conceptual framework of your executive’s interpretation of the Constitution of Pan Trinbago Inc Article 10:1 as articulated by your good self at Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Sunday October 28, 2012 at the Capital Plaza through the meeting’s Chair, summarizes that which I speak of, in your office’s intent of deliberately corrupting and convoluting in a manner, in circumstances which I must say at best, is to create a cacophony of convulsions to deliberately corrupt salient Pan Trinbago constitutional clauses regarding Elections, that is at best abhorrently unacceptable.
If the Secretary of the Association through circular (ref. RF/hsj) of November 7, 2012 wishes to continue within the execution of this notice of Regional Election of Officers on the grounds of what The National Executive believed to be also a Triennial Special Convention Meeting where Central Executive elections are held; then the Secretary of the Association is reminded, that the current acknowledged notice of November 7, 2012 would be “in advisable if not inappropriate” as again, the matter of all of the organization's electoral processes Central Executive & by direct extension Regional Election of Officers is also sub judiced.
Your continued course of action, Mr. Secretary, I am to advise you in your collective wisdom, at best is ultra vires and illegal on Pan Trinbago's part and maybe construed by the Court in its current review on this matter; (1) at worst as an attempt to interfere and intimidate with a judicial process governed by the supreme authority of the Constitution of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago into giving you the remedy, the very remedy that you are being claimed from in the matter in the court in the first place; and (2) at best allowing the plaintiffs in this litigation whilst the matter is pending in the bosom of the court, to build a case of legal ammunition of illegal notices to mount upon, until the matter can be ventilated before the Court at which time the National Executive can account for their willful disregard of the Order, on predetermined court date of December 03, 2012.
I trust that this correspondence which is made without prejudice will be taken in the vein on the basis of the precluded arguments that in accordance with the above mentioned reasons. It is our orchestra’s hope that in our well-placed trust in your good office that reason and good wisdom will prevail, and the correct course of action will be taken, for the reasons stated above already highlighted.
Thanking you in advance for your kind assistance and service.
Gregory Lindsay
Power Stars Steel Orchestra
cc. Mr. John Harris Secretary, Power Stars Steel Orchestra
Mr. Keith Diaz President, Pan Trinbago
Mr. Douglas Williams Chairman, North Region PAN TRINBAGO
Mr. Vernon Morancie Chairman, Eastern Region PAN TRINBAGO
Mr. Eldon J.W. Bain Chairman, South Region PAN TRINBAGO
Mr. Jeffrey Joseph Chairman, Tobago Region PAN TRINBAGO
Mrs. Ramsey-Moore
I am a new warrior/defender to this movement and I shall continue being one of the new voices who would stand up for what I believe in, to stand up for truth, honesty, and justice for all members of the organisation. I am not afraid to challenge Pan Trinbago's leadership and shall continuously hope that my efforts at an attempt to revive that old warrior spirit of the ancestors of this great instrument, will continue to attempt to follow in the footsteps of the aforementioned "warriors"and make my voice be heard whenever there are slip ups, from the National Executive.
I have to admit that though the venue was improved, the seating arrangement for the meeting convention seating which did take most delegates by surprise; as change was again attempted to be implemented through instruction, albeit again without tact and any sense of emotional intelligence, as proper dissemination channels of communication from the top down to the Regional Chairmen in advance was absent it seems as the trend goes.
The acrimonious nature of the banter of commentary which ensued didn't allow time for the questions on the President's Report to be adopted; though considered as read..The President's vicious and vitriolic attacks on this When Steel Talks forum and all of its detractors got plenty of air time at the meeting. Measure that if you will against Trinidad Express Editor-in Chief, Omatie Lyder's Editorial on Bertie Marshall, that quoted the When Steel Talks forum is the most informed medium in the world of Pan.
Trevor Cooper's account of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Sunday October 28, 2012 at the Capital Plaza summarizes the execution of the event, managed and chaired under the pretext of a circular from August 24, 2012 what The National Executive believed to be a Triennial Special Convention Meeting where Central Executive elections are held. The Secretary of the Association through the Chair, is seemingly having concussions from the High Court Order that all of the organization's electoral processes have been put on hold pending the judgment of the High Court on predetermined date of December 03, 2012.
These elected Central Committee officers are operating in a manner hell bent on exercising, it seems their imperial right in circumstances which I must say at best, is to create a cacophony of convulsions to corrupt salient Pan Trinbago constitutional clauses regarding Elections, by posting (within the 2012 Annual Reports booklet) an illegal notice of Triennial Regional Meetings of Pan Trinbago T.C. Inc.on November 28, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. at no locations identified.
This action I have been advised at best is ultra vires on Pan Trinbago's part and maybe construed by the Court in its current review on this matter; (1) at worst as an attempt to interfere with a judicial process governed by the supreme authority of the Constitution of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago; and (2) at best allowing the plaintiffs in this litigation, to build a case of legal ammunition of illegal notices to mount upon, until the matter can be ventilated before the Court at which time the National Executive can account for their willful disregard of the Order.
To the leadership at Pan Trinbago reading this discussion, a word to the wise coming from the floor.....I implore you to proceed with caution and even the person who you think and believe is a fool has a message for you....is not what you do but how you do it.
The deafening silence of the pan people.. is aptly put.............Let us all be guided accordingly.
Gregory Lindsay
To the New Visionaries you have the support of the large bands spend the remaining time zeroing in on the small and pan-round -the neck bands, this is where Diaz strength lies, it is here you will win or loose the election.
Good luck.
Cecil: Ah switiching sides boi. Ah backing MOORE now!!! Ah get brainwash!!!
Claude, wah happen, like yuh had ah vision last-nite or wah, anyhow Moore could always do wid more supporters, we go water-line Diaz and he boys back-side Sunday. LMAO!
Claude, I love your spirit, light hearted and jovial, a true Trini to D bone. Yuh know, it is probably because we Trinis are this way inclined that Pan Trinbago is in the MESS it is in today. Do you share this view? Ah just asking.
Bertel: Yuh back meh into a corner with that question. I thnk that Pan Trinbago "is in the MESS it is in today" because the wrong people have been running the organization all these years. According to MR. CECIL and a few others, these visionaries will bring honesty and transparency to the organization and steer it in the right direction. If I had to staff that organization I would make it TECH and MARKETING heavy and keep a few of the old hands around as errand boys to run PANORAMA. But the race is between Diaz and Moore and one of them will be in charge for a few years; so you could come to your own conclusion.
Yuh see the old hands you spoke about, the only place they should be going is in a jail cell. Pan Trinbago deserves a CLEAN SWEEP, it cannot be business as usual. Pan, Carnival Arts and Culture should and could become the next economy for T&T. We cannot be thinking otherwise. For this to happen, we need LARGE minds and true VISIONARIES to take us there. Anything less will not do. Let us get serious Pan people with what we have in our hands !!
I just heard Mrs Ramsey-Moore interviewed on the radio network and she was tops, very positive, awesome ! Well done Mrs Beverley Ramsey-Moore, that's the way to go ! I am smelling the wind of change in Pan Trinbago.