GREGORY: Ah have ALL KINDAH AH LIST ah reviewing here for this SUPPOSED ELECTION in SEPTEMBER -- and I CANNOT SEE  your  name on ANY LIST.

And you is the man who did all the HEAVY LIFTING (Revolutionary Work) and scorch in the burning HOT SUN to bring awareness to the CORRUPTION in PAN TRINBAGO.

Imagine that!!! And your name is not on ONE SLATE; not even for the lowest level position on the PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVE.

The same OLD FACES, Gregory. The same OLD BAND LEADERS using the same corrupt drink-ah-beer delegate system and men on THIS FORUM expecting this MIRACULOUS TRANSFORMATION of mentality and attitude from a RIGGED GIMME GIMME DELEGATE SYSTEM. 

Gregory, ah even see the opening lines that are to be delivered by the NEW PRESIDENT in his acceptance speech on the night of September 16th: "It's been a long time coming. But tonight, because of what we (bandleaders and delegates) did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to PAN TRINBAGO!!!"

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  • send the link Mr claude.... i want to read the whole article.

  • Gregory: Ah get the line below from THE GUARDIAN ...

    "Campaigning leading up to the September 16 elections is expected to be a tempestuous one as infuriated pannists continue to lobby for the rejection and complete removal of the incumbent executive and a new one elected to serve until 2021."

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