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Gregory Lindsay: I gave you an assignment to investigate FROM THE GROUND. And you were supposed to have a MEETING with THE PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO and then come back and report to THIS FORUM on YOUR FINDINGS.

But like yuh DROP THE BALL.

I know that you don't want me to come on THIS FORUM and PRINT OUT MY VEE PEE DOSSIER.

So please come and give us a report on YOUR PROGRESS!!!

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  • The highest rank of human stupidity is reserved for Corrupt People.....yes MerryTones.

  • Have dishonest Vice Presidents become bywords for describing Pan Trinbago executive members holding that office during the last decade?

    The christian bible teaches those of us who are so inclined to peruse its pages regularly, that the love of money is the root of all evil. Yes THE LOVE OF MONEY, not money.

    Considering the evidence in the public domain, it may not be unreasonable to conclude that the love of money may quite likely have been one of the factors in the determination of actions and decisions that may have had the potential to compromise our national security, and account for the loss of life and limb.

    Greed is selfish. Greed in wicked. Greed is a liar. 

  • Print the dossier.....and leh we done this ole talk....reason is out the window

    Leadership does only respond to embarrassment . SO LET IT BE...

    • Gregory: When you were MARCHING ALL OVER TOWN protesting against the CORRUPT DIAZ/FORTEAU TEAM, I was on THIS FORUM warning everybody (for years) about what was going on in PAN TRINBAGO. But nobody wasn't listening because PAN PEOPLE don't want to hear bad news and they like to run around with rose-coloured glasses and ear plugs waiting for THE NEXT PANORAMA.

      And when THIS PRESIDENT got a copy of the FORENSIC REPORT -- she swept it under the rug. And when it was time to release the FINANCIAL REPORT at her first AG -- she swept that under the rug. And when she got the dossier on the VEE PEE -- she swept that under the rug. And when she does discover that a leopard does not change its spots and when money start disappearing (again) in HER EXECUTIVE -- she WILL sweep that under the rug too.

      So ah taking meh time and continuing to build up the VEE PEE DOSSIER.

      • ...And the man who play with the four East Bands in Trinidad also play with a band in Tobago....Ah suppose it have room under the rug for that too...Remember eh...Is she (Madame President) who went public and say that panists will only be allowed to play with ONE band in each category...



  • Claude...Ask Gregory if he oberved that one man played with four bands so far in the Prelims too...

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